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Show 1'uo li.vm.B lio.MiciPE. Yesterday irniiig about lour o'uock a murderous murder-ous jUVay with pUtola took placo in n: of tJ hallways of the seoond story .f the KcvTO liou-.c. Tho circum--laiKvs of the occurrence are, as near j wc toutd get iliCtu, about ai follows: Ihck (larvt.-son and Jack Povrd were 1 he actors in the affair. Between ii.rtH) two men tlioro has existed for (,.tne lime a grudge, growing out of the jenlouy of lWd beaauso of the ;iitcnlions paid his wife by Garvison. On the evening before llw shooting 1 lie two men were drinking together in an apparently friendly manner, and (hey both attended the masquerade ball and either returned from the ball together or met after it wa. over at the lievcro houxj. At any ra(0 about the rime nieutioued an altercation between be-tween the men occurred, of which Mis. IVwd was the subject. Powd i; -i. slid lir.it drew his pistol and lired at Garvison, when the latter also drew :ind tired. l!eiwceu the parties four .-Vx p.iscd, one of which entered the nigtii oide in front of Powd and passed iuu)u.;:li lus bodi At 10 p.m. la-t nig!u his oa.-a was without change, but precarious. Garvi.'on gave himself up to the police, and his examination was postponed post-poned until to-day, to aeo whether Dowd is likely to dio or recover. |