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Show A WAR CLOUD RISING. AH U out luva, La nu my, liuiiful.Tii-C UH1 ifitiliilly 1'uuliuK U:'.W':cO JuIiD lltill and Juoathan, Tho 'J:ricva court ' (jl'arbitraii'in, that wn to Lave nettled ev:ry tiling in the tinj-it lea--:arit and aiiiicLlo in amicr, like llic great 1'eace Ctnr.:.iri of a few years a-jo that ended in a prioaal .inaLLle ol ' ihciiiuuim, threatena already to ha theeamo ol" war instead ol' a cuuientcr oi'ijcanc. John Hull and Jonathan are both "almighty" "al-mighty" tbnd ot'tho HOVereinur the dulhr. Hjth arc rieh and d'-aire tu be ; riehcr. And tho publicition of tli'i ADi'!nc;in elaitm fir dafcia ly the ' Atnh'tm-i lias already raided a at'jrm in Hrilain and called forth thread of a repudiation of tho treaty of Washington. Washing-ton. Tbe Hriti.di ulaiiu.1 hascnotyet been puLlislicd, but when they arc, we imagine they will bo found a exorbitant exorbit-ant a the American claium can por-nihly be; atid that every KriKU.-liman who lost a hall' a bale of cotton during tho w ir in lhi.s "llar.ited country," will bo auxioiu to claim oullicient duimiKea to pay for a wliule plantation' crop. Then the Cape Cod liihcrmen are disati.i tied, for thny tliink thoir tiliing rights aro cur-tiiiled.to cur-tiiiled.to theadvaruaKQ of the Ivanuck.s and other; while the Canadian, New lirunswiukers, and 80 on, kciig rally feel that American fishermen .should not bo allowed any rights inside the Hritish hore line and its usual league of water, and that tlic Cape Cod men have received an advantages over thcui. With oxorbiLint demands made by both countries, and with conflicting interests in-terests to aatisfy, the work of the orbi tratorH does not promise such a specd and nat factory .solution as was aL tiiat iiuoiiied. There a possibility, naj a .strong probability, that the treaty ol Washington may ho repudiated; and wliould Hrilain tako tho initiative in so doing, a war with that oounlryisuccess fully prosecuted, would sweep all op position to President rant's rc-olcctior. bclitrc it, and carry him again to the Whito IIouso on tho very crest of t wavo of popular enthusiasm. |