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Show l'ROKKSSuR FOWLKR AT TDK OLD TAbBRSAui.B At Lho request of a lura ji umber of citizens, Professor Kowler ivill repent Itiroo of his most popular lectures at the Old Tabernacle, follows: Friday, afternoon, February 'Jd, ;L li--10 o'clock, to ladies only. Subject Sub-ject : "Female Health and JJcauty Kr-slorcdV' Kr-slorcdV' Friday evening, to tadics and 'fitletiien, V n "Love, Courtship und Jltitrimony." bsiturdny eveoing, to 'titli:itieii only. Subject: "Manhood Us Strength, impairment and Ilcstora-limi." Ilcstora-limi." Fvening lectures at hulf-pat 7 o'clock. AduiUeion, Oo coots. Tlu! jH-ufcHsor can bo coiieultod .at the Towns-cud Towns-cud houso during tlio week. f 1 |