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Show 't Helm i;lb (!) Invoumation. As wc predicted, tho telegraphist in Salt hake, who furnishes anti-Mormon news j. to the press cast and west, telegraphed I with regard to the rcl'usal of application applica-tion for bail on Wednesday, by the government officer: "Chief justice MoKoau dolivorcd a dooision which receives universal and hearty commcn-mendation commcn-mendation from all Gentiles." To this veracious Btatcmont wo will simply append ap-pend an extract from tho Washington dispatch published yesterday morning : "Telegrams from Mormons and Gentiles Gen-tiles of Salt Lake, among tho latter many of tho most prominent citizens, were received by tho attorney-general to-day, condemning tho decision of judgo McKcan." This telcgraplust's "all Gentiles" must be interrupted hereafter to mean "a few leading lueui- bers of the lriii.' " But bow must re-t re-t spectable and prominent Gentiles feel to bo thus persistently and systematically systematic-ally misrepresented over the wires? |