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Show GEitTLEHIEN'i LIST, Anderson C Hull T C KoulanJ Ii Able. E Harding T 1' liirhardson C Axe II llailstuni W Itubcn H Archer J Jrjnkinsl) ItinjloJ AlderesoCI A .'iiiiobson C KowiiorB J ; Aldridgo It Janfson 1 ltiuhio S 51 Brown F O Jauica It . IteiidiiiR J Brown C Jones it ; HiidJ Jl I Butre ,t Chirk Jensen T 1 ltriiif;hur.t A llrain F Johnson T UawUnps L Bustoc E 3 .lohuon S Kuicnbaum M ; Barnes H J"ncs W li ' D . llain J Knox Mr Hockell O P j Baker J Kuobln?kA Itobison It ;Uo.t!onJ KoltonA Jleid W W B:ttncr J Kcti-bum Lli 21tcynolds W F Booth J Kiuc T F Smith 11 Barnes J I-nncey A W Smith E M llertetrom M Laun f) Hmith J S llakor S Lins II Sebenflcy Mr niiiKhunst S Lanesy F, Stanley C Brooks W II Lane E P Stanton D W Berry W H Letson J Mr Sueidcr.C Coustcr M Leonard L Sago F Cotterill &' Laurssen M P Showell G Williams Lane Thos PtrinRbam G Clark A Hates MoCann J Sander; T Coleman F. B McNallyJIt StanneforlbG Careless G Mct'anistion J Storey J Coost II G McAliitar H Stratton J II Calister J Morin H Sugar J Carrigan J W Muoro Mr SncLling J W CbiverellJ Martin AN SheohanJ Cropper T W Murks EAR Stephens L Cropper L J Marinn F G Shakespeare CoxS Merrill F LG Campbell Wm Mieho'son F Sarll F Corngan M It Morton G M SearviMe M L Crowthor W Uoulton G B2 Snowball It DarlinRD Myers H Stecn It 11 EtliellF Morris Geo Senders S El if on W II Marshall II It Spraguo W M Evens W Murray HB3 Tuckticld i Fuller & Sulli- Miller JO eon van Millon J M Trede A Polsom D H Means J M Tester C I'ro.n C P Morton J It Tyo J Fuller E Mnescr K G Taylor Jit Forbes G II Moor S Tapham J FioldinKJ MansDcId W t'ro L A Fernandez T- Nixon T Virjscnt Wm Fosters J B Norton T Wiilard C Forensworta Oriby & Co Webb C G JW OlscmMC Mood;H ''ardonli N foouock Warberton J Geison H Judge Wayman J GiUli Paul E White JJ , Hendricks B Phillips G II 2 Woodman J M Huyett A H Paul J Wrlcbt J It Holloway C J Pith J Waiters Sain IlarrisonJH Pederscn P K Wcst SB Hawkins J T Pratt U Wright W A Halliorson J Pratt T Wilton O A Parsons M Williams T S Hale G L Pepper W Young J HELD FOU POSTAGE, Rs?ctt May. Ccntcrvillo, I'!ah Iteauan linear. Brooklyn, K V Bleak J G, St George, L'tah, Washington county Coats Rebecca, St George, Utah, Washington Wash-ington county Fuller Mr. AltaCity. Utah Hamilton Fred. Bullion City, Utah Jost John. Ogdcn L'ity, I'tah McCloy Hobcrt, Ugdcn City, Utah McFarlnne J H, l'ayson City, Utah Norton II E, Lchi City, Utah Itobcrts Wni Bluomington, Utah Persons inquiring for the above k-tiers are requcatcd to stato when advertised. J. M. MOOBKi Postmnstcr. |