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Show ' A MODEST MEETING. The1 meeting yesterday to endorse judge McKoau-waj untumalty modest, n fpialily which so eminently charac-turizas charac-turizas all tho doings of the "ring." Kor a few known rabid anti-Moruion.s to assume to represent tho ontiro so-called so-called Gentile population in Utah is almost reaching tho apex of arrogance and impudence. They were very careful care-ful not to have any signatures attached to tho resolutions, except those of the president of tho meeting and secretary; it wan subAf to say "largo and influential influ-ential meeting; enthusiastic; unanimous unani-mous vote," 4co.; and then append a couplo of names, () emtio men, the dodge is an old one and so old as to be tran.-parenL to everybody. Wo have no hesitation iu telling these individuals that judo Melvcan sadly stands in need of such bolstering up, for every time he opens hia mouth to rend or a decision ho puts his foot it so completely that he disgusts honest-minded people everywhere. Whether McKoanwill be removed, or Hates be removed, or neither or both, wo do not know and care comparatively compara-tively little; but one thing we do know, that almost from tho time general Hates arrived here, some of tho active men in this McKcan endorsement meeting publicly doctored their intention inten-tion of having him removed if possible. possi-ble. They aro of the class who are anxious to havo a few Mormous hanged, whether innocent or guilty; who would look complacently on while the lived of iunocent men were sworn away by such beings as Hickman and Haker, and who would gladly form part of a jury impannclcd lo convict with or without testimony it the accused were only a Mormon and the accuser a member of tho "ring." Wo have had a little experience with the class and know thorn thoroughly. They will stop at nothing to accomplish accom-plish their purposes. |