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Show GENERAL. Charges Against Judges. Albany, 2. In tho assembly Alvord presented tho memorial of the .Now l'ork bar association, making charges painst certain judicial oilicors of Now )""ork, and asking for tho resignation of udges Uarnard and Curdoza, mon-,ioned mon-,ioned as among those against whom marges are made. Tho memorial was referred to thojudithiry commilloo, and ;ower was given lo go to .New York ind investigate. New York News. New York, Several bankers, including in-cluding ' Belmont, wore examined to-lay to-lay by tho graud jury in relation to lho 'ring" frauds. Mr. Tookor, assaulted by highvray-inoh highvray-inoh on; tjacuctt sU-cct. Jroukiyii, two nights ago, is dead, A young lady was assaulted yestordaj noon, by a robber in a Platbush caV near Prospect park, ho presenting a revolver re-volver and bowio knifo threatening to kill her, unless she gave him her purse. Sho jumped from the car, when the j river and conductor, evidently in league With tho rolbor, drove furiously nway, ' ' Judge Barrett to-day decided that judge Barnard, being a corporate member mem-ber of the Tammany society, had no jurisdiction and his aclion against said society was void. The Stiinjoat Interest, Philadelphia, Qwing to tho por-iistcnt por-iistcnt attacks on tho proposod new steamboat law, by ono or two member if lho houso committeo on commerce, Lho owners of tho western river and lake steamers telegraphed last night, from Washington, to their agents to refuse re-fuse to carry passengers under the existing ex-isting law; which action will tend very much to embarrass the passenger trade; but under the circumstances the owners havo no option. Washington lnforifntloii. Washington, '4. Tito souroUrv of tho Lreasury to-day, called in l, 7-j (,00J of Llio throe per cent temporary loan; interest in-terest will ceaso on March -il. ;ir Edward Thornton has boon ap-olied ap-olied to from homo, to obtain copies of every nbwrpapor, periodical, magazine, published in the U. $., to be placed on exhibition in Lho international exhibition exhibi-tion in England this year. Publishers who desiro to avail themselves of the opportunity to l,o represented, will address ad-dress a copy of thir publication, of same dalo in .February, to Joseph Shittington, news agent, Washington, D. C. The caso of tho stonier Jf-jrifl was under con?idcration to-day in the cabinet, cabi-net, tliero waa some discussion as to the matter of allowing hor to loavo Bnlti-muro Bnlti-muro without an investigation. The whole subject was referred lo tho attorney attor-ney general. Alrck. Memphis, 2. The grand duko and parly aro here, and will havo a reception recep-tion at nine this ovening, and a banquet, The Bivxy Orleans Investigation. New Orleans, & Tho congressional committee held a session to-day ami several witnesses were examined. The evidence is strong agciiist lho governor und ,;cr.:bersuf the legislature, showing vi"lenio, bribeiy, Ac. barr, ono oi iLu Warmoth leaders in tho house, testified that the schism of the liupublican parly, par-ly, bcan between tbo governor and lieutenant f-overnor Dunne, and that tho federal olhcors aftGiwara sided with Dunne. Muny members of the l?gi;la-ture l?gi;la-ture have never resided in the parishes they preteud to represent. MH Contract. Wfrshieton, '2. The pc-Hm aster-general tins atiornoon, in acoraanco itb tli r recommendation of congress executed execu-ted a contract with lho Williams & G 1 don steamship line, for carrying Wednesday mail to Liverpool and |