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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES Tho American club has re-elected i Wni. M. Tweed, president. A fire in Quebec yesterday, dc-. dc-. stroyed property to the amount of $35-' $35-' 000. The weather at Helena, Montana, is . mild and cltjar and tho coaches are running regularly. At thc custom house investigation in JNcw York yesterday, further proof was given of the corruption of tho concern. con-cern. At the Lehigh Valley railroad accident, acci-dent, near Hock port, Pa., an infant, whose sister and mother were both killed, was heard crying under tho debris of the car, and when extricated was found to be uninjured; A fire occurred at Denver, Col., on ' the 31st ult., which destroyed lCast-1 lCast-1 brook's livery stable together with ; some sixty horses and nearly all the carriages and buggies in the establishment. establish-ment. The loss is estimated at about $40,000. No insurance. - ., .. A dispatch from Constantinople dated yesterday, says that the Jews in Ismael ; were attacked and several were killed . and many wounded. All jvho could, '. men, women and children, tied to save ; their lives. Tho fugitives were khdly 1 received by the onioers of the Porte. ; A telegram from Helena, Montana, : ays that on the evening of the 31st . ult., Chas. Humley's assay office on , Main street was entered by burglars while the attendants were at supper, : and a large number of gold nuggets and - some goid dust, the whole valued at , JmOO, was carried off. I Thiers is reported to have said in a j recent conversation with liiilot, "lam sincerely in favor of a moderate re-r re-r public aul have long thought it possi-t possi-t ble, but 1 now see that 1 was mistak- en, and tl-:at a republic cannot exist in j France, even witii my aid. I am eom-. eom-. polled to seek happiness for the coun- try elsewhere." On Thursday James St ought and hi- f wife, ot';Kichmond, Ky., had a quarrel, . which the husband ended by stubbing his wife lift ceo or twenty times in the breast and abdomen, from the effects of i which she soon died. The pair are . sai-i to be old and respectable citizens I ' of Kicbmon 1. Jealoa-ly U alleged to have been the cause of tbe affair. ,j Henry C. Cameys, agent of Jay Cooke A Co s National ii:e insurance company, Pr. Leroy Swonstadt and a J dentist, named James Ludwic, were '. arrested in lialttmore. on Thursday, tor doini a wholesale forging business by "raisin c" cheeks from small to laru'e sums. They have been doing a bi - business with thes-e cheeks in several i of the States. I The New York of yester-, yester-, day, says that Twtcd, Connolly and " Gaivty are cckavcricg to sxt'e the j suits- j-aicst thvin by a compromise. ' and '.hit their agents have ascertained -1 that the State is wtiltn to accept in - scttiemcnt of the board oi' auditor 's , ; claims tor .' .i two-thirds of II j that amount, but that no guarantac n!can be given that they will not be pro-J pro-J ceeded against on criminal charge. |