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Show TRAVEL. I ! UTAH CENTRAL 1 ItAILltOM). c fcj m www Mn PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, j r U tBilkfur nomltyi July IT, tHTl lully Train j I" Leave Halt Lnke City ml m an-1 p.m. Arriro at O.lon 7 ft. tu. anil I. la p. in. Lavo Otf.l.n t 1 a. i". - l. "J- i Arrisl alt Lske Oily IU .m.d T:J0 p.m 1 J in addition to tti bov 4 Will run j j DAILY, SUNDAYS KX.CK1TED I Utilui tilt Lake CUt at 5. JO p.m., and Udon l ia.iu. PuiHri Will plsase Purehaas thslr Tlcktll at lbs UlHcas. riftT On's additional will bs financed wnst lite fare L olleUd on Uto train, For all Information oonesrolni freight Ot tiuitrfa. apply to I). O. CAI.UKII, llaneral irsiai and liokstAi''. JOHN SHARP, auPEUINTSNDENT L.n WiDJ. B. P. Ktinb.ll. SALT LAKE, OBMUU And Tintic - Stage and Express HUNN1NU DAILY KKOB1 SALT LIKK CITY, via LAttH TOWN, TOOKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND OPllltl TO T1MTIC. The route has boon re-Blocked with inlon-diil inlon-diil Concord Coaohea. fine Stoek, cateful and Mtontlvo Drivers, and every attontion ia raid io the oouifor' n i oonrenionoe of passev tra. Good accommodations on the road. T1IUOUQ1I BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. UIDci at Walla, Kargo Ca.'s, Salt Lake Clly, WINKS ft KIMHALL, i Proprietor!. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. On uml uftcv January 1(, MIXED TRAINS WILL ZRTJJST DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central It. H. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7.10 a.m.; Drapor 5.45 p.m., and bandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.20 p.m. An extra train will Kim on Sundays Leaving Draper at S.40 a,m., Sandy aty.10a.ai., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. FAUE8 : Salt Lake to Bis Cottonwood Station. lr-0cts Little " " oOcu " Sandy " I1.1X) " Draper " 1.23 Twenty-fire etuis addition! will be charged when the lira is collected on the train. D. O. CALUKK, (lea. Freight ai.d Ticket Akodu PKRAMOHZ L1TTLK SUPKRINTKNDK.S'T. GILMER & SALISBURY'S daily STAGE LINES THKOl liH I (ah, oulh -vast Aevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Learl Salt Lkt CHy Dally, run nlug JoulU to Tintic. AuuTtoan Fork. Mount Mo bo (ScvitT. Si. tltvr?, l'b ; and Picvhe. Nov.id ; Paiitnt ti-Mt;ti Provo, Sprmevil!o. Piuiiish Fork. Fay sop. Salt Otwk, CWken Crvek, Kound V alloy, Fillmore, Cora Creek. Heaver. Miners-ilk Miners-ilk and All tAf principal t-nets and m'Vuj camps msoutAern Ltoh iuf $ou'h-(iu Nevada. Alio leave Cortuuc. Vtnb, daltr ruUBtng norlli io "irsinia City, He!eoa Fort Benton Dr?r Lodrt, ti-ir Creek mines, and passing through all the pnneipai towns and mining min-ing camps in Moo-tana, Moo-tana, PRISCIPAL OKFKK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building ju4 Salt Lax. Cm iAN FRANCISCO TRADE. C .Olki: tV 31!) Mil. IE, mroarsiin or. j ;toves AND METALS, M AKUriCTUHKB or 1ND DIAL1HS IS louse Furnishing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; Ali HA'T8 FUR Lgricultural Stoam Boilers, 114.ua Hi U.ltcry Street, 7 SAN ! KANOIHCX). JHENERY, SOUTHEB & CO,, I to purlers and Jobberi of KUllKlUN AN U DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AM) LIQUORS, 31 1 Ulay Klreet, Sn Kr.iiclwo. Jjl VVILMERDIN3 & KELLOGB, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 211 Js 210 KHONT STKKJiT, SAM k'UAMCISCU. LAZARD FRERES, iniiortera and Jobbers or Foreign and Do-maslio Do-maslio Funoy and Staplo DEY GOODS. Dfpot of Goods Manufactured at the Uisswn aiui tactic Mills, Consolidated. B45 A 5!17 UlarUet St., San Kra nylS Paris : 28 Hue Do L'Echiqu J, BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING Rtmome St., San Franciico 45 Murray St., Mew York. iRPWBANT&CO. Importers of American and European Staple and Taucy DRY GOODS, HVIV 1 ' 1 1 TV IN J I ?S C O , CALIFORNIA, Call the attention of tho Trade to their large and comiloto stock of FALL1AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Wbioh thoy nro now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, com,. rising in part Frencli Merino, Wool Sattuea, Wool Plaldi, Freuch and Ueruitm, Irlili a it l Krencli Popllne, Kmpresa ClotUi, Tauilae, black and colored, Velveteens, Alacae, black and colored SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS AL90 GLOVES, Kid. Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses'. Senta') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods Iloalery, complete in all ita lrauclii'S White Good, llftudkerclilefi, SlUrtlng l.lueiis, Unlit, white and colored," Ifaiiiaaki, brown loom and blcaclioi Toweln, lluck, Diapor, Turkish. Maiiklna ami Uoyllca, i4 Ktc, KtC. Eti JNO. G. HODGE &.C0., IMPOHTE15S Wholesale Stationers, Seep the largest stock of Stationer)-, Blank Uooki, School Uooki, Fin y I us Cards, Wrap-plug Wrap-plug I'apera, Twines, Pocket Cutlery, dx. , dc , On the Pacific Coast.whlch thpjare pr pared to sell either for GoM or Curreocj al pricoa that will ottai luilucemvnta for bujer auywbure west f the Sock; Monntaina. 327, 329 & 331 SANSOI-LK STRKKT, mil ? J Francltco; IKON AND STEEL WIRE HOPE, FLAT AMD HOUND, For hoii-tinc from mintne: shafts and inclines Perry ropes, tiuy ropes, For iransmittinj power, etc Manufactured of any Length or Size. IV Ire Rope Is miicli cheaper, llghtei and more (titrable titan any otltcj kind ot Hope, Uallidie's Eudless Wire Rope H ay (Wire Tramwaj), For the rapid and economical tmasportatio of Orci and other materials over mountain oui and difiicult roadi. t6ecurci by U. ! , Patent), alio. JPateiit Grip IPullea-, For transmittioK power and by which tl rope is uninjured and cannot slip. SKSD FOR ClUCtLAKS. I Atency of the PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Ci (OF CAUKO&S1A.) All kind' ar..l ?::es of Wire, constantly hand and laanutactuxed to order. A. S. HALLIDIE. Front Sc. Sin frsrric", , Clifora, JTOBIN, i DAViSSON & CO. iufortskjs or ASKRUA.V, K.G L IS II, FRSSC ; j ASD GKRA?i ' FANCY GOODS I Small Wares, Ivckci Cutlery. ' ' Perfumery, Yankee Xctions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Gvcdsy JfiZinery G&hUi Hosiery, Linen fTdkchfs Gents' Furnishinff Goo-ds, Cor Sutler ind Sauome Sts. SAN FRANCISCO. I J ROCERIES & PROVISIONS. TOY CANDIES, , ?ANCY CANDIES. 1 CONFECTIONARY ' A Large Stock? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT II. WALLACE'S. If You Want Peanuts, Call! We haie JUST RECEIVED A let oT TEAS Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, ' English Breakfast Tea, Whioh we will soil WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at Ycry Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, iViat Temple Street. Grain, Flour & Feed DEPOT, Blum Street, S. jTj. City. A full supply of States Corn, States and Valloy Oats, Ground Wheat, Ground Barley,Oorn lUeal, (yellow and white,) Cracked Corn, Middlings, Shorts, Bran, Graham, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Utah Barley, Seed Wheat, Norway Oats, Beans, Potatoes, Etc. A sent for Allen's XX and XXX Family l'lou and I less' North Cottonwood XXX and XXXX. CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, West side Main street, S. L. City. P.S. Special inducements to wholesal buyers, or in small lots. octi DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that be has a I Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE , Usually kept at his n Store and Bakery, And sells them AS REASONABLE AS ANY H0US! ' IN TOWN. PEODTJCE Of ali kind.. ilought and Sold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES 7 Made to order. GLOBE BAKERY, e Kail Temple Street, Arst door north of Co-operative Grocery Department, ' G0L1GHTLY& HARRIS: 11 Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD a. Buns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Etc. Fine Tariety or CON FECTIONERY Wholitale and Reta.ll. H I Groceries. , i Flour, i u Feed, kc i A orders for Coal left a: A. S. Gould , Son's office, on ilate, will be promptl attended to. Prije S rr ton. deliTered i j tnain pan of the city. I N. P. WOODS, Aceat Ricky Mountain Coal and Iron C FIRE INSURANCE. TRIUMPH Andes, Amazon, fire mmm co. s, CINCINNATI. . Capital . - nearly $3,000,000. Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates and Promise to Fay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah , II. R. MANN, Agent, SALT LAKE CITY. Office Taylor's Building Room No. 2. opposite op-posite Salt Lake House. P.O. Box 551. fl SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE Great Western FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. i " ' THKO. F. TRACY, President C. H. BASBTT, 1 HENRY W. LAWRENCE t-Dlrectora CUAS. L.. DAHLEH, j MARSHALL A. CARTER, Attorneys, H. K. MANN, Manager OFFICE : Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms A Branch of this SOUND and RKLT I ABLE $5,000,000 COMPAXY Having been organized in our city, w axe now ready for business and earn estly solicit public patronage, gnar&n J teeing that all fire risks will be carrie at a fair rate. , H. R. MANN, ?1 aJaaajtar. MUSEUM MENAGEKIE .Opposite the entranea to the Tabernacle. JOHXW.YOUiXG, - Pioi Admis&iou, 50 cti ICiiiltli ea, 10 u Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - MatlTe Ttlnerala. Petrifaction. Con cretlon and CryitXt.Uom. Home Prvdutta, 'i li re and Foreign CV A rioiXiea 4c ly 1 Compound Klectro-Magnetic Apps n rains, Ac, Prof. J. X.. B ARVOOT, Managai o. School and Families by private aj taasamaau admitied at reduced rate. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. zJ. Ill c c Wholesale .it DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buddings, j A full, nrst-olaae stock ol j STAPLE DRY GOODS, KOTIOA'S, BOOTS and SHOES, Al' LUW PHICES. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERY! HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchasers can horo find An Immense Stock AND IN fcMH 8 WNCK GREAT Vri IE rr IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY AXL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specially j CLOTHING DEP'T. I HOK.E-rV.ADE AND IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FROM IIOME-HIADK, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings' On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. 6 This i& the Department for Families, I DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple DrSss, PAT EST MEDIC l.i-, JPerfvunory, LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVERILL PAINT WHITE LEAD, 01L, COLORS . GLASS, ETC. ,- Prescriptions from Physicians una have special attention, ' H. B. CLAWSO., SupU CHICAGO TRADE. HASE, HANFORD & CO., s 41 1 South CanalSt., CHICAGO, liaaJguarter for Dils, Paints, Class, &c, M.nufcturert of the o.br.tl WILSON OIL. TA N lv. M. BATES & CO., 491 A 433 Uroadway, NEW YORK, IKrO&TE&i ASB lit Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEKY, WHITE OOODS, i WOOLEA'S, SHAWI.S, 1 1'AXJCEE NO TI OA'S, dc. 3. II. BULGRIt. Jul! M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers or and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, 618 Wabaah Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells. H. J. MaeCirlaiiJ, R. llenediot. 6. P. Molntjro. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WIIOLIOSALU D11UGGISTS (Lalo of 90, 92 and !U Lako street. Cor. Dearborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense heat, To the Baptist Church Building, 817, 840 Si 851 Wabash Ave., I Where wo have a largo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass and Glasswaro, Druggists' Sundries, Sun-dries, Patent liumbugs, Ktc., Jitc. i CALL AND cin:r.i( us. j (Wo only )ay 100 cents on tho Dollar.) HEW YORK TRADE. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Doalor in Wrought, Cast amd Galvanized Aud every variety of fittings for the same. ml7 C. A. Lonsstreot. John Bedfiwiok. LQNGSTREET &. SEDQWICK ; Manuraotnrcrs of and Wholesale j Doaiers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 400 SL 468 Uroadway.Ntw York. dU HENDERSON.JUSTICE& Co Sucoessori to Griffon, Ilondorson & Co., 1UPOBTKB3 AKD JOBBERS OP FAA'CY GOODS, NOTIONS, O SIB FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.. 4UH . 500 BROADWAY, I Opposite SU Nicholas Hotel, n New York. BENEDICT, HALL & Co. , Mannfacturors nnd Wholesnle Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, 134 and 136 Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadway dU - ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers aud Jobbers of J. TT flS 9 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1 O , O O O Singer Sewing1 Machines wive Sold within the past year. Scicntijic American, Juno 10th, IS; I, THE 81 ll G E R Manuiaetui'ins Company, A.T THE WOIXjTD'S FAIR Constituted by tho homes of tho people Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And have left all rivals far behind them, FOB. T11KY Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The magnitude towhlcr- the manufacture, of sowing machines has attained is ;bi'Wn.l.y the viru" returns (to which any ono Ciu bavo accesi) of the manufacturers for tho year 1S7U to tho owners of tho leading patents, ou whioh thoy pay a royally. Ac-eordiug Ac-eordiug to these returns tho numbor of maohiiius sold by eaoh uiauulaoiuror iu laTu U as follows: The Singer - - ia7,K:i:i Floronco .... j; ,VtJ Wheeler it Wilson - S-V-US lloldMedal B.-..1J Uowo - - 5 tlrover Jt Uakor - S,,l- :'.l'Yr1 . ' Wi. Weed - lMiikle St Lyon i.eu Wilcox Sc Oibbs - ' !ir,bl,m '7 Amorieaiiltuttouholc A Overreammg 14.;7d W ilsoa - - - And soveral other com pumas who sold a lew machines. It will ho soon by this tahlo that tho popularity of the Slufier mauUluei far ex. cccda tliat of all other, their sale being one-lialf greater than even that of the famous "Wheeler & Wilson" machine. This is owing to the fact that the Stupor Company have lately commenced making, besides their old nnd well-ostablishej manufacturing machine, what is known as their "Sew "inliy Muchlue," which la selling at the rate of nine to one heller ihau tliclr old style. Their total to-tal sales for IHX wore 80.781 machines against tho 127,8.C of 187l), showing an lucre ofone-half In the latter year." "How York Sun." Onc-IIalf ol our Gigantic hales, NOW nbari.y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Titcliixies Sold, asd JL, M. X -BP -A- - '" J J M W, . Were made within Hie past three years. Tiut the Grealest In' reaae of our Sales over all Other Machines, Uclng Within l ho 1'iiHt Year. Tbls Is IncontestlUle Proof that Our Machlnos Are tho Best in the World. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of xoovk, le last a inning hupromo favor in tho houeohold. aa shown by the rapidly increaiint sales, over all other machines. This Ptew Family Machine Is now capable of a raiiRO and variety of work such at was only recently thought impossible to purtonu by machinery. Wo claim aud can show that it is the cheapest, most beautiful, dolicaloly arranged, nicely adjusted, easily oporated.spoody.and smoothly running of all the Family Sowing Mac hi nofl. It ia rouiart-aolo rouiart-aolo not only for tho range and variety of iut sewing, but also for tho variety aud different dif-ferent kinds oT texture which it Will sew with ciual facility and porfcetion, ubidh silk twist, Mncn or cotton thread, lino or coarse, making the liitirloclted-elamle-stitch, alike on both sides ol tho fabric ncwn; tho only stitch which is universally approved, or is at all adapted for ilrst-chtss work. Thus, beavor cloth, or Umher may be sown with groat strength and uniformity of stitch, aud, in a moment, lliii willing and novor-wearyinic instrument may bo adjusted for lino work on gauio or gussa-. gussa-. mcr tissue, or the tucking of tarlatan, or ruining, or almost any other work even by a child which delicate Cngcrs have boen known to porlorm. Kven the iaitln aud thoufihtlcits have little or no trouble ou thin machine. Send for Descriptive and ftice Circufars. Wemanufactureour own needles, silk nnd twist: furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of superior qualitybut which can bo roliod oa only whoa obtained! through our Principal orBranch Oluces, or Agencies. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE TIIROUQUOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. We extend a cordial invitation to all to como and boo tho Machines, whether they ih to buy or not. See all oilier, hut do not buy without you examine he Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent attondnnts. Instruction fres, 111 Machines perfectly adjusted before delivery lit t SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, I C. M. I. iENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, .Salt Ialc Citj-, TTtn.li. II. B. CLAWSON. Superintendent. LVAYLOR BRO'S Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBEK IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer A.T VEBY LOW PBIGES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRK m2S - JAMES HAGUE, Jt. jTE HAGUE. GUORGE IIAGUB Bigr Grim . Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS" LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importeia xicl Donlers lx. GUNS, Etc. V P S E,c- Saddles, Harness AND Winrs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS KEA1LY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. Z. C. ffl. I. BOOT AND SHOE Icpni-tiiitMi(, nt IbeNitriioi THE "BIG XQOT . Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes MADE TO ORDER, tUu tirtQ guaranteed. 4XWAT8 ON HAND A LABQE AND CHOICI 6TOCK OF HOME-MADE imported BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather |