OCR Text |
Show LOCAL, NEWS. Commercial. Salt Lake Citt, J-'ku. tioLU. (Juyintr, wllinjf, l'"C. l'At'.TNEiniP Dissolved. LJy notice no-tice d-cwhisre it will be .sccd that the law i-nrtoorship hera.jlbrc existing Lc-iwccn Lc-iwccn Hon. Thomas 1'ilcU and cx- iuvernor Mann id dUaolvcd. Waktbo a Girl Lo do K;neru.l IIou?c-work. IIou?c-work. Kii'iuiro at Mr. Tliv.. Taylor's 1 III, Vnhl. Kais. Shortly before midnight, last night, itcommcnccd to rain a little by way of a change. How Ion? the pluvial discharge will continue, or bow heavy it will be, we cannot at this writing venture a successful guess con-' cermet;. Two IIuxdbkd TEA. MS wanted. Apply 10 JJURANT iSl CUTTING. t'2 Lnro stock of lino and heavy boots at rjit'tfel Ltro's. o'2i Commissioner L'or Utah. In our advcrlisins columns will be found the card of Mr. H. M. Morgan, of 408 California street, San Francisco, who has been appointed commissioner for Utah in that city. Parties interacted in having documents acknowledged by buuIi an alBecr would do well to note the fact and the address. Tub Summit Coal company are c!l-iiiK c!l-iiiK their coal at $10 at the U. U. depot, Si I Uelivon-d in Lho main jmrt of the city. The best in the market. j'io fin fat Tonic. UKOKMAN'S VKIUAL 10L1X1H OFCAL1SAYA tlAKIv. A pleasant cordial which Hreiiiji ln'ins and improves Digestion, ttn I'vcr-llcnl preventive of Fevers, Fever hi,. I ..;;ue,clc.,and a groat iieKOvu.Ljr and TuiikTlor invalids and dolntitaUui per-,.-us. JJkuicman tfc Co.,' iNow York, Alnniii'clurnrs. tSod by all UniL'iri.-ts. s2b' Fu"t:3iT0!tE. .Just receivcd.at Henry Dinwoodcy's, '.WO CANE ijKATFU CllAllicj. To bo sold very choap for cash. J17 Fashionable Hats st Sicfrcl lire's. olO I Choice Missouri APPLKS nt . wholesale. Inquire of C. K. liarratt, 78 j Alain street. j 10 1 Fino Furnishing Woods at Sieged Bro's i olO j OvoteoaU, atcodt, ftttiiogcl Bro's. OlO Cutting & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jollies aro tho bc.-t in tho market. Ask your grocer for tlioin. sy ; Largest ptock of clothing at Siegel Bros. oUJ DKPAKTLllES A IS D AUttlVALS Jiy Wines it- KimfniU a Stages. Ijkivp Onioe of Wells. sro Co. dnilj, at" a.m.; arrive at 4 p.u. l-'cb. 1. TO OPI1IB, STOCKTON A CAMP t'LOVD. , Jati DcarJcn, C Jensen. VROM orHIR STOCKTON CAMP FLOYD. Ily l'rossor, Mr Miller, W C Miller, T U Benrs, A Hunt, 1 Cornell, Thos Polls. OGDEN DIRECTORY. Fir.t-cliis 2h.'mi 11-jUi'jf. MKKCHASTSi Wnlktr Urollid-. iuni'j ( d-ni. .Mritnlltllt luHltlltlOU, Jriiich IIOllvl Ill! C. U'omlii.Bii'.fc. F Aiicrbcll At Byo. HOTf.L. Ogdcll Ilonitc, John iUhcm. rrnpneur. LIVERY STABLE. D. G. Kclsott, ProrriWor. , j TELEGRAMS. I jNIGHT REPORT. i i FOUEIGA. j Brltlali Emigration. London, 2. Tho number of cmigntnL-j cmigntnL-j sailing from Liverpool in the month of 'January exceeds that of December by 1,1 -jO. Theburning of Chicago seems to havo stimulated emigration of carpenters car-penters and niasoHS. From France. Paris, 2. The railway laborers at Aries havo e truck work, and threaten 'to stop tho trains. Troops havo been ! sent thither to strengthen tho authori- I ties. Tho assembly, by an overwhelming majority, has passed tho bill to authorize author-ize liii government to notify England and lielgium of the teimination of the commercial treaty. Deputy Duchatol's motion, that the assembly and government return to Paris, was debated; and in the midst of a great uproar was rejected by a vote of oTO to 318. .Minister Casimer Poricro threatens to resign. Revolt In the Phllllpiue Isles, Madrid, 2. Dispatches received from tho governor-general of tho Phillipine islands, announce a serious attempt at revolt. A company of two hundred native na-tive soldiers, bolonging to tho artillery service, rebelled and took poisession of a fort. Tho placo was carried by assault as-sault by tho regular troops, and all tho insurgents were killed. How Piny Aflccta Parla. Paris, 2. A now play by Victor Sandon, entitled Prazabas, just brought out at tho Vaudeville, contains some expressions in favor of imperialism and the JJonapartists, which havo caused wild scones of excitement; atthothoatro, Bnd the agitation extends outside. Lust night, after tho performance, crowds passed through the boulevards, some crying "Down with Bonaparte !" others "Vivo 1' Empire!" At oao timo disturbance dis-turbance was threatened, but tho crowds dispersed without coming to blows. To prevent tho recurrence of tho dangerous dan-gerous agitation, Thiers ordered the performance of lho play to bo suspended, suspend-ed, and if necessary, tho theatre to be temporarily closed. ;o. u il K s$i o x , ij. 11UUSK. Pinklenbcrg presented a memorial against the passago of tho Chicago relief re-lief bill. On motion of Lynch, tho secretary of tho treasury, was asked to give information informa-tion as to tonnage, S:c., with respect to the trade of tho United States fur tho the year 1870, with foreign countries. The Indian appropriation bill was taken up aud tho amendment adopted that no payment shall be made to hostile hos-tile tribes, and that deductions for Indian depredations aro to be made. The bill then passed. Scye.-al bills for extension of patents wore passed, and tho house took up the bill to establish an educational fund, and apply Lho proceeds of public lands to education, Alclienry made a sposch against lho bill. Tho house committoo on foreign affairs, af-fairs, to-daj', decided to report to tho houso a bill providing fur carrying out tho clauses on tho subject of lishorics contained in tho treaty of W ashington, but without any recommendation in relation re-lation to it. Pierce introduced a bill to pay the collcgoof William and Mary, in Virginia, Vir-ginia, $'jo,(XX) for the destruction made by disorderly soldiery during tho war. Adobato followed on the education bill, which was participated in by a largo number of members and was mainly of apolitical and personal character. char-acter. The principal objections urged to tho bill were, that it was part of a move for centralizing all power now belonging be-longing to tho Stales in tho general government, gov-ernment, and that il provided for mixed schools. Without action tho dobate closed, to bo renewed on Tuesday, and Lho houso adjourned. The session tomorrow to-morrow is for general debate. Queenstown, for two years, from January, Jan-uary, 1672, at the rates prescribed by law. - JSonclmrp avnd Stock. New York, 2. Gold dull; sterling. 9. Governments quiet and steadv; stocks strong and higher. W. V. " T.. 7 (juicfeilvar, 30j W. P. Pacific -Mail, London, 2. Consols 921 money. Paris, 2. Ken us 57 francs 2vi centimes. cen-times. The specie in the bank of Prance has increased LtM.OOO francs. Wholesale Produce Market. Bait Lali Okkald Ornci. Jannnry li7, ISTi Flour. cwt f 3 60 3 75 W heat, " sacked 2 B.iriej-, " " 2 0,-iLs, ' " 2 ij Potatoes. fbu, ;-0 Onions, " 1 uo Curn. cob. ' . "5 SO Corn, sbell'd. owl 2 i"0 Corn Meal, " 2 7 o 00 Bran, " l 75 ShorU. " 1 75 2 00 Boans. ? lb 1 S Butter. " fresh . , 4(1 Cheese, " 9 U&ias. " .. . lg Dcun, " 15 Beef, " in Pork. " Iu Mutton." Ksps. 1 dot Chiokensi each l"i Ti) Hay, $ ton- is 00 Coal. " -. 8 00I(i 90 ood. cord 10 00 Hides, each- ,. 3 50 i IX) Ducks, " .......... tyj Oceo " 2 0'"a 2 V) Turkeys." 2 Ooia 2 M Wild Ducks, per pair 50 Rabbits - . 30 CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, filly oenta lor each, and every insertion. Kach additional ad-ditional liuc ten cents. ,; - : - rouM). ALIGHT, TWO - HORSE SPRING Wiitton was Ictt on the sidewalk in front to uiy Bto on Tuesday morntDK. Jan. 2:!J. Tho oirner can havo it by proving property and paying expenses. J, P.ENGSTROM. Opp.-"to Bishop Ehoets', S.h Ward, alt Lake CiiT- fi FOR SALE. riniB LUNCH STAND IN THH OMAHA L Beer WiLloon. Ooddard's Building. Main Sirool. JiKiuiro in the Saloon. J- isroTiaE.r: I'HE Inw pnrtncrshiD horete'oro oiiMinc between Thomas Fitch and S. A. Mnau is this day dissolvoJ. FITCH & MANN. Salt Lake City, February d, 1S72. D Election Notice. :; 1'IIE qunlirted Eloctora of Pn.lt Lako Conn ty will tnko notice: Ihut an Election will be held on Monday the .r;h inst.. in the several precincts of Salt Luke Counly for the purpose of oloctinp ninetoin delecates to a convention to be bold at tho Cii.y Hall in Salt Lako City on Lho nineteenth inst., for the purpose of (Y.iiuioc a constitution for a Slate government with a ricw to tho admin inn rf Ui:ib into tho Union .i a Stale. 8 lid Election to bo held, conductod, aud rnlurns nindd to lho offico of the Coiioiy Clerk, in Hicordan.-e with tlio Inwx of the Territory of Utah in relation to - lections. D. BOUKHuLT. County Clerk. County Clerk.- Office. Pnit Laku City, Keb. 2, 172. PROF. PRATT'S LECTl'RB. PROF. 0. PRATT. SEN. WILL LEC L tjiro in thoOliJ. Tabornac'e on Wodnon-day Wodnon-day ovcninH, tho ith inst. Doors ojioa at hnlf-pat six, Lecture to oomm once at a quarter pail seven. SUBJECT: ' ! The Bible aud Book of Mormon Mor-mon Evidences Compared, TICKETS 2bu. Mayb' had nt lho foneral Co-operative ' Store. Walker Uro'a. Cnldor llro's, J. Kwy-er's Kwy-er's Book otore, and Townsond Huu:. Prof. Pratt will neain Lecturo on Thursday Thurs-day cremnc, the 6th inst. IS PUBLIC NOTICE 1 Salt Lako City. U, T Jan, it 1872. QN THl 23rd gf Otohcr, im, a Reward was offered by curtain parties, for the appro honsion and enfo delivery into the hands of the proper officers, of the murdoror or murderers mur-derers of Dr. J. K. Robinson, wherein I offered tho sum of JoOQ. I now glie noiico that, fn oonGeiuonuo of endangering tho lives of innocent 10 on, I withdraw that offer, and that tho same etuiM beof no force or effoot Train and, aftor this dato, fl B1UOHAM VOUNG. Patronize Homejiitliistri ! XT T-A- H CRACKER FACTORY 'pHE undersigned are now preparod to 1 X furnish tho irudu. and tho i,ublio wiih 1 frcdhCackorsDAlLV. Butter Crackers. Flculcs, hoda Crackerf, Dmton Crackci'H, Ginger Snaps. MORTON & OO., E;ut side Main ilrect. nenr 3rd South NOTICE, I'UBLIO MEETING of the citizens of Salt Lake City favorable lo tho Constitutional Con-stitutional puty, will be held in the Old Tabernacle, on Saturday, the Sid inst., at - o'clock p.m., for the nomination of Candidates to be voted for at tho Cjty Election Elec-tion on Monday Fob. 12. 1872. MASY CITIZENS. Salt Lake City, Fob. 1,1872. i NOTICE, "Uescrct Hilling Company.?' The delininent shareholders are hereby nullified to pay up thoir reuiainine ai;c.-f-mcnU uj to Jan. Slh. 1S72, on or before the lcth of Fchrui'ry, H'.Z. and tayo lortoitiire aijier oontract. Oftice at Dr. W. II. 0. Sharp's, Dentist, one : door eat of "D"?rret Evening News." I N- P- STEVENSON. V. P. 0. P. Salt Lake City, Jan. 2jth. 1S72. j37 COLLEGE SCRIP! pREEMPTORS will save $16 on -- each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. j A.pply to j THE BASK OF DK8KHET, 15 SoooMsor to Hooper, El dredge & Co Cows for Dairying Wanted. PARTIES owninr Cow? they wish to place in a .-ituatton to realii the very bc;l rc.-aiti in Butter and Chcc;e the commc ?ea-1 on. or for a longer period, would do well lo I correspond h ith 1 J- B: JOHNSON. St- Georce. Uuh. P.S. The herd ground; he represent? include in-clude the veT ho;t in tbo Territory: irrecn srifi for lammer and good open ruge for w Later, jii - MISCELLANEOUS. CRUSHER FOR SALE. A Ao. -t, Double Action, Galea' Cruilier, for sale cheap. : A pply re JttUIUClS K VANS, j P. 0. Boi, Zl, Salt Lake City. Emerald Hill Mining Company. LOCATION of Works, Salt Lake County, bun Territory. Notice if hereby diven that at a meeting of the B'.'ard of True tees of s-.id Cjnapjny. held on the eleventh day of January, S7i an Lii-jcssiueiit vi twenty five i-untJ per shar wa levied upon tho Capit il S:ock of said ComMnj, pAj:ible immediately, in Raid unJ silver coin, to thj Secretary at the ufliee of the Company. Room No. o4, ilerchants Ex-ch-nfic, California street, an Fr.uiciico, California. Any S:ock upon which said ajyes?ment shall remain unpaid on MONDAY the Nineteenth Nine-teenth day ol t'ebruary, la72. shall be deemed delinquent, and will be duly adveriised for sale at public uuciiou, and unk payment .-hall be made before, will be sold on THUKSDAY. the Fourteenth day of March. to pay the dclinijucnt arfesimcnt, te-Kdhor te-Kdhor with ocsu of aderusinst and expenses ex-penses 01 the salo. .... Ulf order 01 the Eoard of Trustees- F. MADGE. Sccrelary. Office No. 61, Merchants Exchange, California Califor-nia street, San 1'rancif co California. AND PLATED WAKE I Wo have JUST RECEIVED An olcBtinl assortment of : Choice Silver ami Plated Ware, Combining tho USEFUL 7 - .- : - and - ORiNAMEiNTAL. Also (ho b;il nn co of our XM AS NOVELTIES - - i r . , All cf which wo offer at ':" Siuttll Advance ou Cost. Rt& Sec Show Window, "ua RETAIL DRY GOODS DEFT : K.. O. 3VT. I. ii', '' x- 'il.U.'crawfon. Supt. The Place to Buy GLAZED SAS1J, BLINDS, . AND PANEL, DOORS, For Quality aud Prioi, Imiiork'd or Honie-made, IS AT LATIMER, TAYLOR &, CO'S - :- PLANING- MILL, : Susli uuil L)oi' Faclpiy, "One Block west of'Tabcrnacle. ill? - -" r J Q ' u c3 cc s I uu 1 i jzi - - :- -1 . c S3 "I - li -C J ' . s i M -r- -H ' H j PAGE, RO. A: CO., lmportertand D)en la LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 35 avnd 3T 60 nth CnaJ street I w CHICAGO. Hi1 26 j I MISCELLANEOUS. , JCALDER BR0"S Are in receipt of the new x.X:n. oi Llie j Standard Authors Usch coiuploto in one roval ota o A., bound in the mo&l njiprovtk! ttvJo, jti.il at the I Uaprccsisalei ta Price - 01 Cloth extra - 2.(o Library sheep - 2.75! We havo, to . -fieri friiii. tlie line.-l ai.J InrgeslskKk j SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tlia couiitrv, utn-bracing utn-bracing the publicaliotia of L. Pra-icr & Co., T. Js'eUon & Sons, Amcrii-Hii Tract Society, &c. OurStuck of MUSICALGOODS Is completo, and consists, in ;irt, of Of the latest improved styles : - ORGA1TS , Of the best makers; m m m. mi 9 From Italy, Fiaucc auJ (Jormuny. Guitars, Banjos, Flute's, Accordeons, Concertiuas, HarmonicaiiSj Received and expected dtiily, a lar.co aud splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ' ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which tee offer at - - - 'ManufiU'liirers' Prices Delivered in this city. ZETOZE?, $125. Firo Oftnvn, n.Kiblf H-nil, Fivo ytojis, (Viohi, Umpfipon, Alolodn. Flule, Tremulant,) with two sots vibrators throughout, one of four foot piteh and one of eight feet ; from prepared metal ' and riveted with iron, and not mcruly stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knoe Swell; sl T-sdj usti n sr reed valves; improved bellows. Solid blank walnut crsq throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings und ornaments, orna-ments, carved ante;, WARRANTED IN EVERY , RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, aad Only $125. J- We re 9cotl Lilly solicit the pub lie to call and examine our ROodw For lite Holidays. ZU.UUUlHOH AND STEEL At C, 11, Ha-sM lt'. (jppuslta Slt lk. UouJt, LEGALSUIVimONs! ; In Ilia Diatrlt Cori;of (lie Third Judicial District ol the Territory or uiaii. , Halt TtakeCounty, 1 September Tumi . W in. i. UmII.c and frci- A.D. 11. erick A.Milohull, iifirl- nrr., dninii busincFi 1 under the linu nmiie Bnd ctyle of Uodbe A r Mitchell, 1 1 Plaintiffs, j vs. Thomas B. II. Htcnhouce. Drlondtiut. Tin IVapf, . the 'JcrntvTff of Vttih said Greeting : ! To TUOMAS B. il. STKNUOiisK. iJcleuiHiiit, You Bre hereby rrinired to iippoar in n aclinn broach l aeniiixt yu by tho above 1 nnuied Pninlillfi.in tho Di-trict C-nirt ol the I Third Judical Dintrit-l of lho Tcrrim-y ,-( luah. and to niuwer tho rmplnint oh"1 thorcin within leu day.- fesclufive ')" tho it -. of fcrrico) all it tho m:rvi--o va you ut tlii- ' suiiiuioDB it ifrvrd witbtn this courty or if .'orvbd out of ibis county, but in iliisliF- Irirt, within Iwu.'iy d.ij; otborwi.-o wili.iti ; forty days or judcnu-nt by dtiuJt will bo taken acinus' you, atcordinp to Lho prayer of Mud oui,i.litU,t. The fui'i .t- tiot. If brought to r-"over thp I Bum of fiau.oa, duo from de.ndan, " pljuntiflrt lor K-iod-, Wiirei" and nnT"b,iNdisi fold and delivered (r-rtid stita brum ,.ir und payable on thu i"tb diiy of Mv 1- i, i0 gcthcr with leual intcreH th'.'tion' -a .vt'.-ln.lhoooiui.Uuit .vt'.-ln.lhoooiui.Uuit Vnr.;,iiju-(U11, -j And you are hereby T)"tifi-d that ifyuu fail lo appear and nn'w.T tbo d.-il v.t hi in l a.' a lie rri( uir-d, tbe rn''l til i II. will inko jutiKiiHjiii -in- lint you li.r fii i i i tiio of HJi.Ua, Kitt intorcfct as elortd.uij ai.J COS1). IVIItie-.tbo IIon..I!u-.B.M..KeiM1 Judce, arid tbo Ksj! .. ,,' irirl O.urt '.llbe-ltMrdJudKml ( ) Drr..l,in.in. V,T the f-rrUo-v SRAL. t oi LUb. line J7th il.iy ol Novf-ui -l J b-r, in the j i-nr oi our l,oj d,i u,.. . IhoHfRnd Kiebt lluiidn.d audi bovcoiy Dpi. JLi Wm. b. WALK KK. Clerk. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. OVltni,AD TRAINS. f nfl,iy, .IAN. Jlth.1 niv ,., , ; stli.,. Kx.-ftd OnUat.d. J872. .0l,Uiid t...pp. I inv, "tTTTTTT TTTTr j ' in ! 7 Ci ud ..Bo fma.. tt m 2 A -6 I 7 M ..Oakland .., hi" 1,1" 1 " 7 h - Ec J(e' ij. i 1 2 in " ; 6"! NiVt 12 4'. x if ' 11.,-.' ..Bu.ku.n . 4 07 " ..1,7" t" ' , 2'Opin ifJim-DB. iipts 7 1 .am ARSi-.I i',b " ...Collaj.,. I'j i' u,, u,.t 134.'. tu ...Bdo.... 2 0 -? , e id " WlDD'-mnoei' ilpai SO T.J00 m Baitii-MoB&t I Jb " ' .J.llw.. I s 16a ' 2 :"ain ..Ogd,o.. laopir 5 ?" I j L.Tr - . A. Of. TOWItt. I m.twm-p tad IVAet Aft. j SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. C. DIETZ & C 0. ; mri'Ktfcsa of ' PVlIsTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. Et FRONT STREET. E. MARTSNxLCO. liclssa!e Lpr Dealers, 4US Front Street, San Franc t tea Proprietcr nf MILLKH S EITRA OLD BOl'RBOS . And note aKenu for J.F.CU1 UH'4tX)fl0LO BHIH80N WHISCIS Con-tantly on ban t. a full assortment of all the Stnmtnrcl Brand of WhUklca, Kln Brantliea Foreign anil Dnmraltc Wines, . Qi- liUira, Carrttftle, ar, THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FllA.VClSCO. I 0. MTL1.3. - PRKS1DKVT '"' W. a KALsION. , OASHIKK. 'plll Palil Vp, . 5, 000,004. ORAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Oreditonail tho pripcipaJ otties of Lbe W orJd. J.C. JIKItHH,!, A to, COMMISSION MERCHANTS M04 end 400 Callrornl St., SJ Kr.aclico, - - Caaifornlav. Particular attention paid to the lillinii t orders lor o?erj desonption ot mrahndie, nX Sl of Or, die,, Ac. - t i ' A. J. JltlFFlTH, LWIer Id fggZfc all kludeof rIOKLWr . HMOKBD SALMON AND HERRINGS, iaa WhlnKioti Street. All u.S of Urioi. fctt-ked anj lVkl4 n.h ouiutaoiUy on uaud. . P. L. Stanley, John Sproanoe, 0,a CUpmao Spruance, Stanley &, Co., Siwtwskor. to ll.WoUttT A l. aua J. & J. Sprnauce InipxTtera aun Wnalwal Dtlert to m km liquors, H 410 PIIOST STdltiTi KVEH Sjl.X; A- t o., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 18 Cluj-Sl., Su Prancliuo, DKAl.KllS IN OHKUON PltOIlDCaC. AroconsUDlly In ns.-,i t nf i)rv llama, Ecd Laril, fialniou. Ar. ' Starch, of our owe anil luutrn mannfaotam Uwaya oa luuiil. MltlHAKL KiKE. T. N. Wano. WAND, KANE & CO., Successor to Hunter, W and A Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in IES XD LIQLORS. Propriot6i of Uunur's California Wlioat XJtLiealtoy. Also A pent for Jngpph P. Fineh'a ce'cbralod l'-niii-j Ivania RYE WHISKEY B07 ami OUO IToiUSl., arJrk.a, SAJS VRANC1SCO. ny.11 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ' . . t , ... '-l :: & TUB GREAT CAiXFORNIA VEGJiTAHLK BLOOD PURIFIER. Hl'ill IN TIIK SIKHHA NKVADA Mmmtnins, in tlio wndrrful .Stiito o iilifiirtiui, ruw. an herb Ii-tik k nnwti In ihe Ind.nnp lis nn Hhfoliiln euro lor Itil KUM A-riM, A-riM, U'JI T, NKl KALUlA, and all dia-.vf dia-.vf in uiiy w.iy mtiiiuiiiu Iioni niipuritleB .f tlio blood, bcn-ufc lnw nt Icnitlli brnuirlil .o litrht itn viriuu-, mid ul ihm polent bcrb iuf coiupoundi..! VKi.IIA ,AMA. a prep-alion prep-alion tor tho I'KKMANKM CUKK of icrofuJn, Salt tUiaitui, nU all aCrnp. tlve and Cutaneuita Ulaaaaaa. live iiDincdiiilo nod permanent relief io .Vhl'K'SIA. KKYMI'KI.AS. KiiiK wjri. ruiaom. lioils. .-irald Ite.id-. UIootf anj iurof; eradicates Croia tbi nytLem all traea if mercurial dciuo. IT IS PbRHY VtlilTABll, It in therefore ('ocularly nuiinhle for urt. hr enuilcn and iilnNrm in a ULOUD 1'IIUr K ILK and KKNOVATOK. KI" inOTIlKIIJi Who Wi lo find n UH-lo.iI10 ,.Btiarf ;d.'t-id l.. the euro ot H II MdK.i and hHVV-Uu.N.i hHVV-Uu.N.i m tboir children, will 6nl m md pure cure in ILHUa SANTA. Vw s cry where, tlKDINO l O.Tt, HONTKTTBR CV A'i 99 nil 5 31 n.rkcl Ft.. hnn Kranwltfo, reoington hostetter & co. Importer 'and Jobbert of KuiiKionr amo ronitiTiu DRld'S (UE.lIICiLS Fine Kncntlal OHi Uunti, HooU, beeda, Klowera, Hfioatm, Kklm, Pomadea, .c.t And all ether bupJei cinoected with the Wholesale and KcUil tru Umineei. Constantly in reoeipt, by direct ImporUUos. ff European and Aaiatio prt-duoU. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, DoM-MrrV L-ltem. . btakr1. l',..., hni-rr. Yi ollV hrhndKin Srbnappn, b cKell's i'ulmonary iiyrup. And all the Indtnc Prnprletarr MedlotnM both Aibwicaa and Luropeaa. Ordcri Prouiplly and Carefully Executed. Koa. 0'4V muit 531 Aarket 8trtt ilatwoeo Finl and Beoond, San Francisco, California. |