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Show AMSTERDAM IS H ENGLISH. Idle people are always clamoring fo; a universal language and a universe, coinage. The latter would be a convenience, conve-nience, perhaps, though any hindrano that can be thrown in the way of re.-t lesa folks who can't be happy in thei. own country, Mr, Punch would with draw with rcluetance. Who was it-Theodore it-Theodore Hook, or somebody else ?-who ?-who wrote : ilrs. Bill is very ill, . Nothing can improve her, Unless she sees tlio Tooleree, And waddles through the Loovar Mrs. Bill would go about a good dea more but for the wholesome "bothera tion of foreign money. liut as for i universal language, that appears to b already in use. Look here. How wel English is written iu Amsterdam : "The very celebrated American Iial sam, notwithstanding the great compe tition, preserve the preference; wherefore, where-fore, did is your question because everj body content with his expectation and recommend this balsam indeed. "The undersigned have by experience experi-ence of himself following tho working of this balsam and may be rejoicing to offer an his honorables fcl low-citizens and compatriots a very excellent rem-dy rem-dy to prevent the sally of hair, to dis-siporte dis-siporte tho erysipelas; and then the greatest desire of man consist to recover re-cover the hair upon their bald-spates, it is reading every day in the newspapers, news-papers, but none announce, as the undersigned un-dersigned has the rbht to do it with contact No Hair No Money. "The prevont imitation none than Theophile is sole agent for the Netherlands, Nether-lands, St. Nicholas street at Amsterdam. Amster-dam. Ladysl Perriwigs ! curls, tress shall be dying very beautiful is every oolonrs of light haired to black. "Bony inspection of a long wigt tress, with teen different colours." It is clear that English is becoming the universal language, so let Mrs. Bill rejoice, and buy new portmanteaux portman-teaux and trunks. inck. |