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Show SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD Fjbli'facd every mirninir. except MoLiay, at the II KKALD 0 FFICE, " . First South street. sear East Temple. Ol I'riile tUa I't-rt Oflke. TBUM a V-,r ' S. Month... - J "J CHo Month - - 1 S? One Week- Inv.rt.bly ll Advance. I Salt Isle Ssmi-fssHy Esraltl PnblUhei every Wednwdaj and Saturday at the fallowing nnprcdeiitedl7 low rates, itricdj is advance : 1 copy, one yer 1 4 ro 1 corj. SIX ,tntV j 1 wry. throe moatbi 1 i 0 10 copies, one year .V no 10 cor-ies, ix momihj is 10 00 pie, three m"Bibf 1 9 go - JOHN T, CAIN E E. L. SLOAN W. C. DUNBAR. Editors and Publishers, |