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Show DAVIS COUNTY MASS MEETING. A mass meeting of the citizens of Davis county was held at Farmington to-day, 2nd inst, at 11 a.m.; Hector C. Haight, chairman; Thomas i Eoueche, secretary. After some remarks by the chairman, Anson Call, and others, Anson Call, Arthur Stayner, John R, Barnes, Peter Barton and John Telford, Tel-ford, woro chosen a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of ,tho meeting. During the absence of the committee, the meeting was addressed ad-dressed l'VJohn S. Gleason, Benjamin Ashby, William Paine and others. j The committee returned and presented pre-sented the following preamble and resolutions: reso-lutions: Whereas, the constitution of the United Statesof America guarantees to ail people under the a'gis of its protection, pro-tection, the right of self-government, whenever such people make it appear that they are capable of exercising this right with duo regard to the rights and privileges of others, other circumstances circum-stances of country and facilities of self ' financial support concurring; and, Whereas, the people" of Utah have clearly shown that they have become eminently capable of governing themselves; ana all all the respectable, thinking, intelligent intelli-gent visitors who come here from all parts of the world, add their testimony to ours, that we have the best regulated regulat-ed internal government for the" suppression sup-pression of immorality of every kind, and a system of finance not surpassed by any State or other Territory on the continent: oar Territory, counties and cities being cut of debt, the people lightly taxed the Territorial and county taxes being only one per cent, whiie tbe lowest tax collected by our neighboring States ad Territories is rrc: t-o to Czrc rar ant. and Whereas, the labors of our lcrisla-tive lcrisla-tive assembly, probably tor a whole session, can be acnuixd by tbe veto rower vested la one man, and the laws which have been made during the past twenty-tour years sot aside by the maiice and at the caprice of any prejudiced pre-judiced judge |