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Show Grant and Greelev. On the heels of Mr. Greeley's manifesto against the renomination of President Grant, wc havo the report of a little speech made by tho latter in reply to a delegation of tariff lobbyists who called upon him at the Whito House. Ln this little speech the -President avows himself in favor of a high pro-; pro-; tcctivo tnrill"; in short, a tariff after Greeley's own heart. If this does not cool down the opposition of the whitc-; whitc-; hatted philosopher and mako him easy under harness, then he is beyond reclamation. re-clamation. As a piece of political strategy, if made to conciliate Greeley, Gree-ley, this move by tho president is the acmo of ingenuity, for Greeley would subordinate every issue involved in the canvass, to the end of having the government gov-ernment adopt his protective tariff system. sys-tem. ' |