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Show TiiEATin:. " Neck and Neck'' drew another line audience last night, and the sen-atiu-.i scenes, surprises, ex-; citemem end theatrical effects ncrcj again received with repeated b;.irsf,s of applause. Mr. Stetson's Wilmarth, iho expectant bridegroom, the accused, eondemued ayd executed, then the maniac, and afterwards the a'cnjjer, i. a tine piece of acting. Miss Couldock plays Currio Frocland, the heroine of the drama, moat Gicellcmly, making every point in capital style. As Peg, the old witch and really wife to Sir Richard, Mis Adam plays with her usual care and fine conception oi char acu:f. While the humor of the piece is capitally rendtred by Mrs. Alice Ciawson, Mr. Graham and Mr. Harris, as Jenny, old Pumpkin and young Pumpkin. Ml. Thome plays Penman, Pen-man, conventional villain, effect-; ivcly and wc'!; and Mr. Dudley, inj -Johnson, has a good part to which he docs justice. Mr. Majdoi, as Sir Richard, ha? comparatively littic to do, j hut does it very neatly "N'eck and Neck'' will be repeated to-tiight; and: ou Monday night Mr, Stetson takes a 1 benefit. I |