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Show THEATHE. THIS EVENING, ; EnsaRemcnt of the popular young TraKedian, E. T. STETSON la the Great Sensation of the age Chas ioiler's immensely successful Drama of NECK AND NECKI . Recently performed in New York to oversowing bou-e. ami since in the principal cities of the Union, and pro-nouorcd pro-nouorcd by tho Tress and Public tt i e ureaicit icnsauun of the llav. It abounds with E-oni.iti.-nni i-aecW, including a Public Execution on the Scaffold ! The .tloit Sinrtllnc Seen? Evtr Presented on ue Stage : The Grand Portraiture of an Express Train about to be I '--Shattered to Atoms j la tho Quarry, when it i preserved by a mij-jcle. i Thee with numerous other Thrilling Sit-i Sit-i Ui.ion;. r-cder thii tbe m"c icten elv in-. in-. ttrusiLiis Drmc.rofer4 to liapubLic. j Sonrti)- tvfnlnt, Ftbrnirv 3 I - - I B.ntni(.Hr. E.I.sraisos. ' Commissioner for I tali Territory. CALIFORNIA STBEET, I sas raisciaco. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS ciuTlots! Hurry up ami File your Statements for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it At Calder Bvo's every d:iy , next week. tt vtiy-i V : )f . : -V. ; Figures Don't Lie I : 1,500; Ladies liiulfJentlcnicn would not testily ttiat ihis INUKMOUS rillfii'AUA-T10N rillfii'AUA-T10N had preserved the Hair from railing Off ! Beautified the Hair by Making it : Smooth and Glossy ! Had romovctl all " ' VANJJRUFF FROM THE V : ' : head: Haldhcailcd jicrsons AVOULD NOT PKL'LAlil'I Miai the DOUBLE S T 11 E N G T 1 1 Ii id produced lVom one to three ineiiee of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface! If U were not Utc cite. Lnilios. as you vuluo your Beautiful Hair. cc;i?o to uso OILS und DYKti which drtrity tho hair and injure tho health, hut nak for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! AND ; TjiKc no Other! For Bale nt Cnhlov Bra's, Z.U, III. 1. Drug Stoi c, i . And must nil Uruggists. Prico for Toilet, ! :- - 1.00. Ucst for Ladies' use. - - Double Ftrcngth, i ' -' : &'i.OO. . i'or JSuULuess, If You Don't Feel Well ,. : TAKJfl OHXTE BOTTLE . OF TI1K ,. All unito in sa,ine tbia ia " AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIIiE GOOD l'OK TUli CHILD Oil 'THE l'AUENT. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, ' n rUlilFlES THE ULOOD and Builds Up the Whole System, Far title nt Cwlrtrr Bro'j, Ogdtn Co-op. idsi n. I Price,' " -- 5ic. and tl per loitle. ; C. W. STAYNER, ; OtneraJ Agent. j MISCELLANEOUS. SELLING OFF ! lov is the Time to get liui'Sniiis ! Our remaining sioelt oi' LADIES' FURS! j Will be sold regardless of cost. FANCY DRESS GOODS, L1NSEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, SCA11ES, HOSIERY ETC To-ihur with a fliOi-udid lortujeut ot u WINTER HATS aM BOMETE AND MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kind, which will be sold nt cosl to mako room for a large stock ol' Spring aud Sumiuor Goods. W. B.WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East TeuTjJo Street. NEW GOODS; Out of the Blockade i z. c. vr. i. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT llaa rocoivod a 'INU LOT OF Cuss iine res, lirumtcluths. Doeskins. A splomlij ii33o rLui on t of CARRIAGE RUGS and HORSE BLANKETS. A great variety of OLOTHI1TG, BOOTS AND SHOES, FINE BEAVER SUITS; : And UNDER CLOTHING. A lot of VERY CHEAP BLANKETS A large, henvy ) Ulaukct for J rpZJJ CALL AND EXAMINE TU EM. J23 GRAivD HOTEL, On Market, Now MontKomory and oooond StreeU. . SAN FKA.NCI8CO, CAX, JOHNSON & Co., Proprietoes. fh i;j)LGro.'s Two Blocks outli of the U. C. K.B. IJepot, and next to Wm. Jen-nlnga' Jen-nlnga' Tannery. Tho yard is kept eonfUotly lapplied by several saw-mtlla with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho ratronaito ot his old friends, and by ranctaality and diligence in business hopes to merit a sharo ef public surnorL FOlt gALK-ra tha lsth Ward, one block and a half weft ol tho U. C. It. R., a Mnaii bou-e nd h.ilf lot. with fine orchard, tor particular enquire of as25 WM. EDDINOTON, LUMBERYARD. All fcintls r Lumber j HOOKS, WINDOWS, ! BLINDS, .MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, i7 iUlf-block aoath of U. C, Depot, Run the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTION L TJJtl PRICE OF LIGHT ! lioud IVovs for (hose tlmt like it lSrillinul, (.'leur iuhI safe Light ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at : The Pioneer Lamp Store, ' ' ONLY 2.5U YOU FIVE GALLONS. For tliow lhat like COAL OIL, wo liavo received a Lar;o Stoi-k. yf a iualitiea, and at Keduccd l'riocs. Tho Largest AHrtuieuL of LAiMD UOl)DS in tho Territory. m... , , E. REESE rSc CO - bole Acents for . Tin llanfiirlh I'ef l olnini Fluid, 8'J 1st South Street, half Mouk West ol Tom Utiiee. FLOUR! FLOUR! Families, I5akt rs, illiu rs all otttc-i- WANTING GOOB 3E3L0'0"K, SHOULD BUY Wm. Jennings'XXX Flour " ' :. . TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, SJXT LAKE CITY. No' Flour genuino unless tho mouth of tho nck ia Healed hy label "Wm. Jennings." j;; WALKER BRO'S. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STIIEKT, KEEP constJinlly on hanil n cfiriico n"8ort-mont n"8ort-mont of r'RKNCH, K.SGLIS11 nd AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, yestings.Etc, Of tho Gd 09 ti unlit ios nnd Intost etyles. which we make up to order in tho most fashionable and aj) proved manner. rPATKONAGE SOLIClTiiD- aas23 COALKOAL! Hnvlng iurclnae(l lie Spriggs Coal Mine We re prepared to nijtply tlll juatly celebrated WEBER COAL by cur lnnd or rtnll. Demt ( U. C. K. R. Ynr!. Oflicei b,xctiang and i Reading Uoomi. BATEMAN & BUEL. aar W. II. B 1 It U, Agaiil. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot DAY & .CCIiMEU. 89 Fast Temple Slrcet, AGENTS JTOJEii FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, - Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURALNX; FLU I), The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid is of muL-li HEAVIER GliAMTi' than any oihcr liurniw H"''1 ctct offered io th market, approximating closely to that ol the hot quiliti" of COAL OIL, bat yet possciirjg DOUBLE tho ILLl'MINATI.NG It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and doa not char tho wick, wl.icL will not require attention oftener than once a wccV. This Fluid needs but one trial to conrinca any orson ol its surior alti"-tages. alti"-tages. "WHOLESALE RETAIL IDT cfc CULLER'S Who want AUEOTS in ever, setUcncnt of tho Territory. j" |