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Show Ltt-til-ATl V'K -V.. K n U L. V . Feb. 2, ls72. COC-NCIL. Council met pursuant to adjournment. adjourn-ment. Councilor Woodruff, charrmau ol the committee on claims and appropriations, appro-priations, to whom was referred the petition praying for an appropriation of 2,0'.mj to be expended in building a bridgo over the Sevier river, reported in favor of inserting the sum of $l,0oo in the general appropriation bill for that purpose. The report was accepted and the committee so instructed. Councilor Woodruff, chairman of the committee on agriculture, ,Vc., to whom was referred (0. 1 14), "an act in relation to obnoxious weeds," reported adversely to the passage of said act. Keport accepted and the committee discharged. Councilor Woodruff, on behalf of the committee on conference on (H. F. "an act further defining the duties of the superintendent of the Salt lake and Wauhip wagon road, Vvjc," reported that tho committee bad juiet and agreed on certain amendments, amend-ments, which were submitted to the council and accented. (C. F. G), "an act to preFcribc the manner of conducting criminal proceedings," pro-ceedings," was taken up on iu second reading by sections, pending which the bill was laid on the table. (C. F. 12), "an act for tho prevention preven-tion of frauds and perjuries," was reported re-ported back amended by the committee commit-tee on judiciary, with recommendation that the bill pass. Tho report was accepted, ac-cepted, aud tho bill passed as amended and was sent to the house for concurrence. concur-rence. (U. F. II), being a subsiituto for "an act relating to (he discovery of gold and silver quartz lodes and other mineral in rock in place, and the manner man-ner of their location," was called up, and being on its second reading was, on motion, laid on the table to come up in its order. Councilor Harrington gave notice that on Saturday ho would introduce a bill for "an act recognizing tho common com-mon law as a rule of decision iu civil cases." Leave granted. Adjourned till Monday, Feb. Oth, at |