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Show 1UU.U1, IIOUSE. House met at 1 p.m.; roll called; quorum present. A communication was received from J. D. T. McAlistcr, the Territorial marshal, in relation to expenses occurring occur-ring in the duties of his olhcc and praying pray-ing Jbr relief. Bead and referred to the committee on judiciary. Mr. 1'jvanu presented a bill for "an act in relation to tho discovery of gold quartz, &c," Referred to the committee commit-tee on mineral resources, &c (II. F. 15.) "An act ibr the protection protec-tion of game and lisb," was taken up on its second rcadimr. The enacting clause was stricken out and the bill lost. A message was received from the council announcing its concurrence in the amendments made to tho Salt Lake and Wanship wagon road bill, by the committee of conference. The house also concurred in the amendments. "An acc in relation to changing the name of 11. A. Robinson," was taken up and on iu second reading was recommitted. re-committed. Mr. Farr presented a petition from tho citizens of Plain city, Weber county, praying for the establishment of common schools by taxation. Head and referred to tha committoo on education. edu-cation. House adjomned until 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. A message was received from the coumiit jnoouDoiog tho passage of (C. F. J2) "an aot for the prevention of frauds and perjuries." The bill was read and referred. Tho house resolved itself' into a committee of the whole to consider con-sider the subject of establishing common com-mon schools by taxation, Mr. Ilich in the chair. After discussing the subject the committee com-mittee dissolved, jjnd tho speaker took his seat, when Mr. ltieh reported that in the opinion of tho committee 00 further legislation on the subject of taxation for tho support of common schools is at present necessary. House adjourned until Monday, February Oth, at 10 a.m. |