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Show illlJRDIS PDLSTICAL PARTIES ARE ACTIVE Democrats, Republicans and Progressives Meet in State Conventions. , SENATOR BORAH TALKS Wilson Is Praised in Speech , by Roger C. Sullivan at Springfield. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. Democrats. "Republicans "Re-publicans ami Progressives in three conventions today listened to keynote speeches and adopted platforms for the state campaigns. . In Springfield the Democrats heard the policies of the national administration adminis-tration lauded by Eoger C. Sullivan, candidate for United States senator from Illinois, and by Governor E. F. Dunne. In Peoria the Republicans heard the policies of the party outlined by Senator Sen-ator Borah. Agree With Roosevelt. CHAMPAIGN", 111., Sept. 13. The Progressive state conveniiou adopted a pfatform todav in harmony with the views of Colonel Roosevelt and the par-tv par-tv leaders of Illinois, and closed tonight to-night with an address by Kaymoml Robins, the party's nominee for the United States senate. Robins declared that in forty-eight states in the union tonight the master minds of the last Republican conven tion are in full control ot wbat remains re-mains of the Republican party. Of the Democratic party Mr. Robins said that the southern wing was in control and asked if this control could be trusted to legislate fairly and intelligently' in-telligently' for the middle west. Concerning the leadership and programme pro-gramme ot the Progressives Robins said: Governor Johnson of California is the foremost fighting governor of the union. In Louisiana we have lohn N. Parker, in Pennsylvania Gilford Pinchot, in Minnesota Senator Sen-ator Clapp, in Kansas White, Allen, Murdock and Stubbs; in Ohio Garfield Gar-field and Garford, in Indiana Albert Al-bert J. Beveridge. in Colorado Lind-sev. Lind-sev. Costigan and Dodge, in New York the foremost statesman of the age, Theodore Roosevelt. Recommend tions in the Democratic platrorm include: i That the next state legislature provide for a constitutional convention to deal with woman suffrage and Initiative and referendum. |