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Show Real Estate Transfers. Julia W. Phillips and husband to Graham Lawrence, lotH 34 aud 35, block 2, Walker's subdivision -. S 1.000 J. C. Ridker to the Salt Lake Investment company, lotR IS und 19. block 6. Cone & Roberta's addition 10 Evona Investment company to Maud S. Gor-ham, Gor-ham, lot 1, block 31, plat D 10 Utah Savings & Tmat company to A. J. Gor-hara, Gor-hara, lots 1 and 2, block 21. amended survey sur-vey of blocks 6, 7, 8, 20 and 21, Douglas Park 1.150 William Langton and wife to Roxy C. Bierer, eection 2S, township 3 south, rang 1 east. 1.300 August Matson and wife to Louis Weber, lots 2S, 29 and 30, block 6, East Park 10 Joseph F. Smith, tru.siee. to Burton Ward corporation, church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day faints, all of lota 70 and 71, Burton Bur-ton Place second addition 1 Harrison E. Jenkinaon and wife to Andrew Scliurlnk, lot 37, block 6. East Park subdivision sub-division 100 Allco J. Taylor to Krl E. Schlageter. lot 15. block 1. five-acre plat A 10 Catherine M. Slskc-r to Fred E. Schlageter, lot 15, block 1. flve-iirre plat A 1 Bmiwnii-Hlll Investment company to Ernes: H Hill, lot t. block H. fire-acre plat A... 10 Jakob Rei'ter and wif to Emma R. Loi'thouac. lots 20 and 24. bloik II, Oakley 5 F.nima E. Lofi house to raclfic I-and Waicr company, lots 23 and 2. block 11. Oakley.. 5 Estate of Francis Armstrong, decerned, lo Sarah E. Burton, lot 5. bleck 75, plat A.. 1 Erucet H. Hill to Drunenu-Hill Investment company, lot 3. block 32, plat D ;o |