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Show " FILIBUSTER TIES UP i WATERWftYSMEASURE ' i Enemies of Rivers and Har-bors Har-bors Bill Attempt to Wear Out Senators I j T J J TRY TO HOLD QUORUM I P I Majority Leaders May Force Attendance of Absentees Who Dodge Oratory I WASHINGTOV Sept IS In a final effort to break the determ ned ft i&uster against the rivers and harbors appropria Hon M 1 senate eaders ton ght had the sergeant at arms sent to ound Dp ab sentees -and sett ed down for what prom lsed to be an all night sess on A proposed compromise contemp at ng a $'0 000 000 ump sum appropriation for river and harbor Improvements as a sub j stltute for the pending b 11 evoked tt e enthusiasm from r ver and harbor ad o cates who decided that a cont nuous ses ston should be held n the hope of wear ng out the members tryin to talk the b to death. , K point of order to hamper the fi I buster -which was made yesterdaj occu p ed all of todav and fina v proved abortive The senate by a ote of 35 to 15 reversed its ru g of jesterday when by a ote of 4 to S it he d that Senator Kenyon occupilng the floor cou d not yie d it to another except b unanimous consent The debate occup ed the who e days session Senators Bran and Stone argu ng gorous y that a senator had no sht to occupy the floor and farm it out Stone Raps Filibuster Senator Stone dec ared that those engaged en-gaged in the fil buster sought to dictate terms to the entire senate and .asserted that thev were suffer ng from exag gerated ego Senator "W 11 ams made an impass oned plea for permanent and perpetual ses s on of the ena e Let them ta k unt 1 thej d op from the r feet, he shouted Let em ta k until the r moutl s a e so dry they can t utter another word Major ty leaders a thou h doubtfu of their ab I t to keep a quorum n attend ance fina acceded to the demand for d astlc action and determined to keep thesenate In sess on all n ght f poss ble. Senator Ken on concluded five das of d scuss on of the b U and surrendered the floor to Senator Bu ton For more than two hours Senato Burton poured out a flood of Stat stica information as to the traffic on go ernment impro ed ra roads Compromise Not Favored The comprom se p an, wh ch was ug gested at a meeting of t e comme ce coram ttee ear y n the da was d s c ssed on bot the house and senate s des j of the cap tol It was not ece ved v ery ill fa orab at an nforma meet ng of the I house e s and ha bo s comm t ee and j aroused cons de ab e oppos tion among leSatboUrStBu ton at the end of two fe !V.nemme?cecon?mU we e presen Quorum and SSfyV. seean? afUAas directed toebmpe the attendance of ab ent sena to s Sergeant Raids Hotels. then a quorum fina v was sulli answering pre ent. ,..nj dur Senator Burton who had res ted our tier the interm ss on resumed n s stat s flea anaTysirof t afflc cond tlons on the waterways of the country The quorum was brought in after - a raid byShe sergeant at arms on various hote s theaters and paces of amuse mVe situaton in the senate was noised abroad and by 10 o clock qu te f crowd of spectators had gathe ed in the gal 6AtS2 o clock a deput sergeant at arms brought in Senator Lew s of I no s t e Democrat c wh p who had been roused from his bed He was re eased after answering to h s name A short . t me afterwarif Senator ster Ing was brought in A quorum then was made Up ana Senator Burto resumed his ta k |