Show President Is Dead Charles Charle Francis Solomon 8 85 I of ot Salt Nast Lake City pre president of the tho Sunnybrook Stanch Ranch Co In Woodland died Tuesday May 24 at his home of causes Incident to age lie tIo was a brother of Mrs Mra Leah Robinson of ot Mr Solomon wa was former lormer general general gen gen- eral manager of the J J. O. O McDonald McDonald Mc Mc- Donald Comp Company ny and former owned owned own own- ed el of Solomons Solomon's Payless Service until his retirement in 1964 1954 He lIe was born Feb 18 1876 1875 In Salt Lake Lako City the tho son eon of ot Alfred land and Emma Sarah Brown Drown Solomon Ilie I He Ite ml married lI Annie June 28 1899 1809 In the Salt Lake Temple Church Of nt t f Jesus Jesu Christ Christof of ot Latter day Saints Mr Solomon Solom n was wa was associated with the McDonald Chocolate Company for 3 30 years first as credit manager lIe He became superIntendent superintendent super super- and tb the g general manager mana mana- manager ger retiring In 1934 Mr Solomon served aa as PT prost prost- t. t dent Gent of or the Utah Manufacturers Association In 1928 1028 and also ryes ws s sa a past president of ot the United Comm Commercial Travelers Insurance Ho Ito was waa a former member of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Active In the tho church Mr Solomon Solo Solo- mon man was in the tho bishopric of the tho Ninth Ward for nine years tie Ie had hal served a mission to the Indian In dlan dian Territory from born 1895 to 1897 1891 He Ito was a n High Priest in the Gar Ga Garden Garden Gar Gar- den Park Ward at the time of ot his death Survivors Include his lite widow r Salt Lake City two sons and two daughters 11 grandchildren and three three great Also surviving are two Brothers Drother and three sisters Fu Funeral services were conduct conduct- conducted ed Friday at the Garden Park Ward Chapel Burial Dudal was in the Salt Lake I City Cemetery n J. J |