Show TillAnt's Till THE s Ants Ant's Eye fint's Eye View By By n MAC you ever seen a mad robin You should have been at atour atour atour our h house UH yesterday A small email ruffled roWed bird was sitting on the I lawn wn under the tree which housed ho our robins robin's nest He tie wasn't String going nr anywhere He tie just lust sat aU at there and pouted Josh he be was Wail sore i iNeal Near Neal a II as we could figure out I Ithe the robins had hatched and grown up and flew away All I except him H He Ito must mutt have thought he was wall I abandoned or unable to fly There ho he eat Possibly he was wai feeling sorry for or because the old man worked to a frazzle handed him hima a worm and said This It Is the last lut Bub Youre You're on your own own Go Co dig your own worm worms Out Out Then the old man nudged him hum over the edge odge like they do one and this his youngster just wasn't prepared pre preS pared psychologically to face the i world He lie could take to drinking I sheep heep dip Or aphid spray So we we- walked up to him and My Lady Fair Pair said the matter matteI little birdie Are you unhappy unhappy unhappy un un- happy about about something The bird did not answer They never do Except l Budgie which seldom make sense seme Now this is a strange thing I have bave been speaking pe to dogs all aU my life ute and not one h hats has s ever responded I say Hello Dog and nd Dog rooks fooks at me like he thought bought I had a new hole in my head ead But the bird didn't let us get too oo close He didn't know it dt H. H but buthe buthe he 10 could really fly Which he did RIght into the side of the house Maybe Maybe he needed glasses dl laybe lie he e thought the house was a tree After he floundered flounder d out of the peony bed he took off again and flew back to the tree There ha he clung precariously to a branch too small for him and glowered at us 1 r expected him to spit but he didn't Then a strong wind came and really eally rocked the branch This time Ime he be was really mad mad But he heung hung ung on This morning he wasn't there Maybe the cats got him Maybe he he- decided to be Ibe a man bird and struck out on on- his own Maybe haH hell he'll be back to refurbish the old nest neat himself next spring Who knows mows Wherever he Is Is Ill I'll bet hes he's sun still mad mad Mac Mac ac |