Show r Awards and Ce Certificates ates of oi Honor y lf for South Summit High Students I S South Summit High School Awards Assembly was Wall held May Mar 24 2 at 24 at 11 Jack Prescott student body pre president III den t took charge Accordion solo Bolo t Dee bee ee Thomas Thomaa he Irene e Andrus vocal ocal solo accompanIed accompanied accompanied by Linda Thacker Festival Award Awards Mr Mrs Milliner presented certificates cates atea of 01 awards to the he following who competed In the State Dramatic Dramatic Drama- Drama tic tie festival at Brigham Young Uril University er Karen Knight humorous reading reading reading read read- ing good Kathleen Thomas ThomM retold retold retold re re- re- re told story good Ramona March arch Marchant ant excellent Colleen Milliner humorous reading excellent excel excel- lent Mr Milliner presented certificates cates to the following who represented represented the country of ot Libia In Inthe Inthe inthe the Model United Nations at the University of ot Utah Renee Lakes Lake Don on Marchant Merchant Irene Andrus Merrill Brinton Louise Goodworth Good- Good worth n Girl State Mrs Ruth Weaver president of 01 Am American Legion Auxiliary Weber River Post Unit No 95 95 presented the following girls who were were chosen chosen to to Girls State SLAte Phyllis Phyl lis He sponsored by American Legion A Auxiliary Bon Don Donnie ale nie Kay Smith sponsored by Kamas Valley Lions Club Mrs presented certificates certificates cates to those who competed Inthe Inthe in inthe the Regional Science Fair FaJr el aZ BYU David Lake first place chemistry Jerry and Larry LewIs Lewis Lewis Lew- Lew Is first t place chemistry Sharel Share Walker honorable mention botany bo bo- botany bo- bo tany Blair Frazier Frailer second place in chemistry Boyles Doyles Holt second sec sec- second ond place In chemistry Alene Mene Lefler Lener second place In fn botany Byron Dyron Maxwell honorable mention mention men men- I tion chemistry Darwin Wild Weld second place in chemistry Jean I Embry honorable mention in botany botany botany bo I tany Janel Jane Franson honorable mention science report Mrs I McDonald all state Art Exhibit at Granite High Sch School l Mary Lee I I 1 I Best Dest Award Award of Merit pastel ReNee Re- Re Ro-I Ro I Nee Lake Award of Merit pastel desert scene ene Judy Dahl Mr Hoyt presented Edward Sorensen the Union Pacific scholarship scholarship sch sch- Agriculture scholarship scholar scholar- ship at Kenneth White John Carpenter and David Williams received a team certificate for third place In state crops crops' judging at the state contest Mitchell received a certificate certificate certificate of award from the Lumbermen Lumbermen Lumbermen Lumb Lumb- ermen Association for his cedar i chest made in woodwork I Mrs Maughan presented the I following girls Je Jeanne Weaver W I first In county Charlott PeterI Peter Peter- Peter 1 I i son eon tS third place and Joanne Elsa Blair laz J I tard card third place In the Make ft It Yourself With Wool contest I I MUllo Winners Winner 1 I I Mr Terry aW awarded certificates to those who participated In the Regional Music FUll Festival I I I Louise Marchant vocal solo first place Linda Thacker piano solo Bolo first place Gene Atkinson alto saxophone first place Ihne Andrus vocal solo flolo Renee Lake I trombone solo first place Karen Knight vocal solo first place I Dallas Dalla Thacker trumpet solo first place j Michael Butler bartone baritone bar bari I i tone solo second secord place Louise Goodworth baritone saxophone I Itolo I solo Bolo second place Irene tren Andrus vocal solo first place Chad Thacker Thacker Thacker Thac Thac- ker vocal Judy Dahl Dab Mer Mer- Merene I I one ene ene Holt Linda Thacker girls trio first place mixed chorus first Uret place rating girls chorus chonis hat trat place rating marching band tint first and second rating concert I band second rating Sports Sport Winners I I Mr Frazier Frailer presented awards awards awards' I Ito to to winners I Earl Bates Dates junior division first Uret place Dement Demont Atkinson junior division second place Robert Robert Rob- Rob jert ert ert Isaacson junior division third place IIla e Bill Dill Miles Mlles senior division I first first place Glade Prescott Frescott sen sen- senior lor division second place Tom Crittenden senior division I I n first place Mr Jewkes certificates division division divi divi- sion lion wrestling meet Jerald Atkinson first place winner Gene second 1 place winner Dennis Prescott I second place winner Jack Lea Lea- I I I I I I 1 I I i vitt second place winner Kenneth Kenneth Ken Ken- neth White second pla place e winner Dick second place winner Johnny Kirkham second second second sec sec- ond place winner Merrill ton first place winner Gary Kirkham second place winner Jerald Atkinson Kenneth Kennell White Merrill second place In to regional meet at Lehl Lehi Jerald Atkinson Max and Merrill Brinton Salt Lake Tribune award second team teamon on Region Six football team Lynn Sargent Tribune Region Six second team basketball Eddy Isaacson second in shot put at University of Utah ULAb Merrill Brinton first place in division discus throw lie He established a new Dew record of ft ft irk l' lt inches discus Mr Marchant presented the following following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing awards I Glenn Lemon award of ot merit meriti for special correspondent high school news for Salt Lake Tribune Trib Trib- une une I 1 team and student managers received certificates certificates' I and pin Jack Prescott Eddy I J Isaacson Isaae on Bonnie Williams Jodie II i Hoyt Sharrell Frailer Connie I I lArchant fl Marchant Lynn Leavitt II At Atkinson Karen Williams College Conte Contest t I Mr Lake lA presented resented awards to the following who entered the Business College state elate contest contest con con- contest test I Max l Il first place Bonnie Donnie Hanson s second place Renee Lake third place I Type contest Karen Knight iIrene Irene Andrus Ilene Andrus Judy JudyAnn JudyAnn I Ann Ann Bisel Kathy Lynn son Joanne manard Blazzard Carma Bagnall Dagnall I Linda Pitt won a citation for proficiency on the dictaphone tines lines a minute l Is W the Ule mini mini- mum Linda Unda took lines per minute correctly I Scholarships Scholarship Given I Scholarship awards to of ot higher learning Jeanne Weaver daughter of ot Mr and Mrs H H. E E. E Weaver Kamas Kara Kara- as honor scholarship to University University sity Of Utah Merene Holt daughter of ot Mr and and Mrs J J. J Lindsay Holt Bolt Kamas BYU first semester renewable renewable re reo If It 30 average is obtained obtain obtain- ed Renee Lake daughter of ot Mr and Mrs Boyd Lake Oakley BYU renewable Merrill Brinton son of Mr and Mrs I Brinton Peon POOl athletic academIC academic aca aea demic deane Dixie College tuition and fees fee fees Glenn Lemon son of f Mr and Mrs Wm Lemon Sr Francis Utah State University tuition n and fees Dallan Dalian McAffee son flon on of ot Mr and I Mrs McAfee Woodland Charlotte Peterson daughter of Mr and lind Mrs Peterson Union Pacific scholarship i tor lor outstanding work in inI H. 4 I 1 Floydene Flordene Holt daughter of at Mr and Mrs Floyd Hoyt Marion Marlon Union Unton Un Un- ton ion Pacific for outstanding ing H 4 JI work with livestock I Glen OIen Lemon son eon of ot Tor Mr and Mrs Wm Lemon Francis U U. U ofU OfU of U U. U I School scholarship A A- average average average aver aver- age or above for the ye year r 1959 60 I I Grade Me Merit Brinton on Judy Dahl Marene Holt Renee Lake Byron Maxwell Ramona iMar iMar- I chant Jeanne Weaver i. i Grade Irene Andrus I Mary ary Lee Best Dest John Carpenter Louise Good Goodworth worth Karen Knight Don Marchant farchant Bonnie Donnie Kay Smith Grade Been Ileen Andrus Carma Carma Car Car- ar ma ca Bagnall Dagnall JoAnn Blazzard Janet Janet Jan Jan- et Franson Roland Jan Jan-I Judy Ann Bisel Grade Randy Marchant Merchant Steven McDonald cDonald Glena ma Richards I I Janet Carolyn Walker 11 Carol Goodworth Grade Blair Frazier Marie Marle Goodworth Boyles Doyles Holt Ann Lefler Jean Bradford Bradord McNeil Grade Jean Embry Brenda Drenda Frazier Alma Jean Jewkes Sheral Walker Kay Prescott Glenda Miles I |