Show WANSHIP Mr and Mrs Edwin EdWn Homer and Linda pre pre celebrated fed their seventh wedding anniversary Sary and Lindas Linda's sixth birthday by going to dinner and a show In Salt Lake evening Their anniversary sary and birthday came June 6 Mr and Mrs Dale spent Saturday with Hap an and J Myrla f t Mrs Young l ai and nd d child children Fen ren RayAnn Jackie fAd d Lynn spent last week visiting her mother Mrs Hazel Streets Bill Billand and Dot Young went fishIng fishing fish fish- ing on Strawberry Saturday morning with their boat boat While there a couple lost their car boat boat and trailer raU hi tn p the lake A wrecker had to be called from H Heber ber to pull the car out which was completely submerged A Testimonial Farewell was given for Paul Pace Saturday In the new new chapel chape A A large crowd attended Mr and Mrs Dean Winters ers visited Saturday with Mr ant and Mrs C L. L France |