Show Pick Val JuddI Judd I for uH Club Tour Val Judd eon on of r Mr and Mrs I Vernon Judd of vU e was lone one of the nine lucky boys chosen from the tile IOn Ora Club at Brigham Brigham Brig Brig- ham Young University to go onan on onan im an day 18 summer Bummer tour tour The rh One and one half hour shows shows' will also Include other thru BtU talent Songs dances and games of the theMa Ma Maori ri people vf of New Zealand will willbe willbe be introduced to the eastern states by the tho BYU nyU Kia Ia Ora Club I They left Monday with their first performance at Fort Eort Collins Cola Colo followed by shows In Omaha Neb Nebb Indianapolis Ind md I Dayton Ohio Harrisburg Pa Fa Washington D. D C. C Hyattsville Maryland Kaleigh N. N C. C Richmond Rich Rich- mond Va Wilmington Delaware Delaware Dela Dela- ware Cambridge Mass Palmyra Palmyra Palm yra and the he Sacred Grove Buffalo But But- lab falo N. N Y Y Chicago Ill Waterloo Waterloo Water Water- loo Zoo Iowa Casper Wyo ROCK ROCKSprings RockSprings Springs Wyo Wy and they will arrive ar at- rive nyc In Provo on June 24 Frank Horlon instructor In lii English is faculty sponsor of the theKia theKia Kia ICIa Or Ora OrA- Club and Pete Tete Henderson Headerson Hender Header son of Australia id hi the president of the organization Hailed Halted as one of the outstanding ing lag g geographical or organizations oh on campus for tor many years the Kia Iia Ora Club is s constantly in demand for programs and shows all over ver the mountain west area Ka ICia Ora members dress for lor or the program in native Maori costume and paint their faces and bodies bodice with strange sometimes almost grotesque markings |