Show i MI 1 i f Sarah W. W Birch Dies at Age 83 w Sarah Wilde Birch 83 Ville dl tiled tied Saturday morning a af a t the Summit County Hos- Hos r Ital lIal at aL of of f a heart ailL aliment all ali L' L menu ment Mrs Birch was born April 17 1ST 1877 1817 Jin In n COl to Frederick and Jemima Clark WI WIde de Sri She t married ml Arthur Birch In 1805 1806 inthe in tn inthe the Salt Satt Lake Tem Temple lc Church of J Jesus US Christ of at Latter-Day Latter Saints He Ile dIM did lJ Dec c. c 2 23 19 1931 1951 1 She was a member of or ville flUe Ward Survivors Include one son Bon David David Da Da- vid of or and nd three daughters Mrs Ray flay na Mama Mima Rees Hees of Mrs Elmer Ulmer Oadys Olsen 01 Marion Marlon a arid Mrs Virgil Mildred Gibbons of or Wanship She had four lour Brandt n and six great grandchildren Sam Heber and ond Joseph live In Coalville Taking part rt In the funeral servIces services services ser ser- vices were Bishop Dishop Elliot Brooks Drooks Bishop Garth Esther Brown Drown Alvin Pace Ray flay Judd Verla Veda Pace Reed need Pace Vera Pace President Fred Joan Sargent Sargent Sargent Sar Sar- gent Jean Sargent Lorraine Vernon Vernon Verron Ver- Ver non ron M M. Larkin Patterson Isabell saben Judd Edmund nd Crittenden and Heber Reber Wilde Pallbearers were Mack Sargent Clfton Omon flees neesy Charles Wilde Richand RIchord Richard Rich RIch- and ard Wilde Fred dobson and Parley Parley Parley Par Par- ley Brown Drown Flowers were under direction of I 1 Grace Pace and Nellie Flower girls were nieces grand grand- and grent-gran grent great grandchildren |