Show Joan Bagnell New Nw Dairy Princess Will Reign Over Livestock Show Royalty to reign over the annual Kamas amas Valley Livestock Show June 17 and 18 has been named by a committee of the Summit County cha chapter ter of the Amerl American an Dairy Dahy Association Princess PrInce Crowned The new Dairy Princess for Summit County Is Joan Bagnell daughter of pg Mr and Mrs Grant Bagnell Coalville Ker Ier attendants I are Carolyn Jones daughter of Mr and Mrs Raymond Jones Oakley and ani Floydene Hoyt daughter of Mr and Mrs Mn Floyd Hoyt Marlon Marion On June 2 at the Kamas Ward Recreation room the Dairy Princess Prin cess was crowned by Lynn sen president of the ADA of ot Summit County I Lloyd Clements Interviewed I the girls and conducted the conI con con- test I Judges were Mrs Kohler lohler Mrs Van Wagoner and Mitts MISs Valate all of lIeber I Begin Friday I Activities of the annual stock I show will begin Friday June Tune 17 1 at 10 am a.m. at the uie Kamas Jamas town I I park with assembling of ot show sho stock Stock entered In the show will willbe be Judged from 10 am a.m. until I noon with a one hour ur break then from 1 until 4 pm I A parade is set for lor 6 a pm p.m. In n I. I downtown Kamas with a Junior I rodeo rode at 8 pm p.m. a according to Rulon Moon president of th the I annual show Saturdays Saturday's activities will see seethe seethe the show v horses assembled at I 10 am a.m. for Judging until noon Following lunch arena activity I is set for pm p.m. with horse pulling at pm p.m. a barbecue at pm p.m. and a r rodeo deo at 8 pm p.m. Directors of the annual show show in addition to Mr Moon are are Frank Fitzgerald Norman Hoyt Elmo It R. Hoyt Glen Gibbons Gib Gib- I bons bone Jay ray Merchant Marchant Ralph Richards Rich ards Lloyd A A. Clements and Samuel B. B Wilde |