Show DUP Hears L Lesson I. I at June Meeting fleeting e. e ti g The Rhodes Rhodee V V. Valley a l II l e y Cam Camp Daughters Daughter of Utah Pioneers l inet ni t- t at the home of Melissa Lewis In I I Marion June 2 Captain Rosemary Rosemary- I Atkinson on was in charge of the meeting i j I Prayer Agnes singing singing sing sing- ing conducted iby by Edna Edn Taylor ac- ac aC 1 I j omi Erma Gibbons lesson lesson les les- son son The Brooklyn Ship Saints Iwas 1 I was given by toy lesson Leader Bessie Dessle Russell Minutes were taken by 1 j Vice Captain Rhea Richards j I Hostesses Melissa Lewis Susie Miles Nettie Nettle hulIne and Mae Burbidge served dainty re- re re 1 I j tr to the following mem members mem- mem t bers hers Rosemary Rooemary Atkinson Ruby Louder Rhea Richards Bessie Dessle I Russell Hussell Edna Taylor Erma G Gib Gibbons bons Beryl Deryl Cave Clara Williams I 1 Agnes and I z a e t 11 t a 1 I Smithies 1 |