Show Name Resident Engineer on Silver Silv Creek and Wanship Interstate Job JoP State Road officials have nave named named nam nam- ed Stanley Van Orman Oman aa as Resident Real Real- dent Engineer for the new Interstate Interstate Inter Inter- state highway construction near Silver SUver Creek and Wanship Mr Van Orman Oman will be in charge of ot the project located on Interstate Highway 80 80 The project begins one mile east of Silver BUver Creek eek Junction and extends 86 miles northeast and ana about 17 11 miles north of Wan Van ship District headquarters for foi- the project are located at t t 72 West First South Salt Lake City Harry E B. B Wilbert is District Engineer This work consists of tion of a graded drained and plant mixed bituminous surface road built to Interstate highway standards Five structures oyer I foot 20 span will alto also be toe constructed con con- Oll The Job has been boon awarded to W. W W. W Clyde Ca Co Utah They have working days day to complete the construction for tor the Utah State Road Commis aba sion Award 1 was wa made to the firma firm a as a the lowest Jowe-at bidder after the opening of sealed bids on the project Jr ir Van Orman has baa been with the Road Commission for three years He Ue will make his headquarters tots at Salt Lake City In his hia assignment here Mr i iVan Van Orman will be In charge ot of construction assisted 1 by hw hla crew of ot Held technicians They will closely supervise the Job and work with the contractor to see that the work la Is done In accord acord aura with the plans and specifications tlona and with the least Incon Incon- to resident residents in the area are 1 and the traveling public If It local citizens have problems or want further information about abouL H I this project they the should contact contag Mr Van Orman |