Show r I I j i i I I I I i I I j 1 I j j I I j t I I 1 I I I Babies Christened I II at Fast cast Meeting I Ii Fast and Testimony meeting I Sunday held in the Kamas Chai Chapel Cha- Cha p pale pel l. l was conducted by D Bishop shoP I I Richard V V. V Goodworth Invocation by Roland Peacock Peacock I Mary Iary daughter daught r of Mr lUrand and Mrs Mrs rs I Willy Sweeney Swe ney was confirmed by her grandfather Bill Swe Sweeney n Y Peggy Stokes daughter of Jack and nd Ann Anh Stokes was lis confirmed grandfather Cloud Thac S I er ere I 1 1 Babies Blessed I II Babies christened were Kid Kirt N. N Carpenter son of pf Harris and nd j Clyda Carpe Carpenter ter blessed lessed by his I I uncle Dale Carpenter Carpen e k j m y Louder L der t n of f fI Boyd Doyd and Sarah arah Jo Louder blessed bless 1 bless I ed edby by iby his his' father tather I Ij James Harvey arvey Robinson Robinson Jr s son eon n j I of James Harvey larey and Sharon Fitzgerald Fitz- Fitz Fitz 1 gerald Robinson blessed h py Bishop Bis- Bis Bis 1 I hop R R. R V V. V Goodworth I i Tammy FItzgerald daughter ot or ott Harvey and Gwen Kent Fitzgerald ald aid blessed by her father Brent Drent B. B Miles Allies eon of ot Marvin and Loa Bagnall Dagnall Mills blessed by his his uncle Glade Bagnall Dagnall Threasa Lee Clark daughter of t I Wayne Vayne and Diane Housel Clark blessed by I IMd McNeil ell Michael Crae son of ot Crae Crne and Lo Lois e Evans Evan Atkinson blessed by Goodworth Teresa Ann Soter Soler daughter of Jint Jim and Connie Richards Threasa SU Sue Nell daughter ot of 1 Tank rank and Sue Nell Neil blessed by Emmett McNeil ell Evening Program The rhe Sunday evening program was presented by the Ule Sunday I School the theme being Joseph Smith Smith Our Prophet Prelude Include music Marie Goodworth Good Good- worth Gerald Atkinson conducted conduct conduct- ed cd tho the meeting invocation Hue lIuo talks Addle Aidle Diane Lambert Lamberti Walden Lambert song song by the choir duet Sue Ann II Butler Dutler and Kathy Carpenter benediction Judy Dahl Bahl |