Show Training School for H 4 Heads Eager young 4 H club officers of Summit County attended an Officers Training S School hool In Friday afternoon Opening exercises were conducted conducted conducted con con- ducted by Mrs petty Crittenden Crittenden Critten- Critten den under the direction of County County County Coun Coun- ty agents Naomi Jensen and Lloyd Clements The officers then separated for departmental work under capable leaders lenders and gained very useful Information Information In In- formation Gene Pace president Loreen Lareen Boyer foyer vice president Wanda Spriggs secretary Ruth Francis reporter Elda Eida Pace and andU U Helen len Judd music Marie Wilde recreation Taking Taking- part In the he general session ses see non sion program Kamas 4 H club presentation of flag Eva Brooks Henefer vocal so solo S Ann Ami Patterson Pat Pat- terson n Coalville prayer Park City Community Club pledges I and music number Jeanne Weaver er Kamas safety skit Safety displays were made by byall byan byan an all 4 H clubs and Included posters posters post post- ers era models bicycles etc Louise Reese display responsibility Refreshment ent committee Virginia Virginia Vir Vir- ginia Pace and Marjorie Grit Crit- The afternoon ended with a recreational fun run period directed by Mrs Marie WUde Wilde About one-hundred one thirty of officers officers of of- ficera and county leaders were svere in attendance |