Show I Rey Pearson in New Exercises I Fort Lee Leo Va Army M Rey M M. Pearson son of Mrs Mary M. M Pearson Oakley participated with other personnel from the Finance School In 60 a large largo scale logistical exercise which was WS concluded May 14 at Fort Loe Lee Va l I CO GO In a n series of annual logistical exercises was the largest larges ever conducted and Involved some Army Navy j jand and Air Force personnel engaged I 1 I In all aU conceivable command and staff of logistical support of ot a combat force Ser Sergeant Enn Pearson Is regularly assigned as ns an Instructor in the schools school's Headquarters Company at Fort Benjamin Harrison Ind ad ille He entered the Army in January 1946 and was last stationed In Washington D. D C. C I I Robert flyers Dyers 80 of or Salt Lake died last Thursday in a Salt Sail I Lake hospital after a long illness I He Ile was born Jan 8 3 1880 1830 In I Wanship to Robert B. B and Eliza I Nixon He lIe married Irene Madsen Feb 18 1905 at bun lona Idaho The marriage was later in the Salt Lake Tem Tem- pIe 10 are his widow as a sou n Ro Robert A Pamona Calif sIsters slaters and and brothers Thomas Ranch Ranee Butter Butte Lyle Salt Lake t. t k pity Mrs Ann Russell 1 Murray Mrs t fre 16 Ada Newman San Francisco Calls Calif aUt four dren services w were re held heldY Tuesday Y I in S Salt lt Ll Lake ke City Burial was in the Wasatch Lawn Me Me- Memorial mortal morial Park |