Show JOHN DEERE Sales and Service Whatever your needs in farm equipment depend depend upon us to fill fin them Remember we are equipped to service your machin machinery ry quickly and expertly Right now we want you to take advantage of our HAY BALER SERVICE We have the baler you need for your particular job job- both twine and wire Were We're happy to demonstrate right i in your fi field Remember too were we're just as near as your phone CALL COLLECT Valley COLLECT Valley j I l. l merit TA 9 Little Tye TA lA 9 j j 1 i i. i Ask for demonstrations any time o. o Valley Implement Your John Deere Dealer Morgan Utah i Moore Motor Co COAL COALVILLE rILLE UTAH The In Always Always The Best Dest Buys Duys USED CARS CAUS CARSOne CARSOne One 1955 Chevrolet 4 Door S Sedan dan T f 2 3 Radio Heater Automatic Transmission 9 1956 Chevrolet r. r j Four Door Sedan V 8 Power Glide Radio and Heater O I 1956 Ford Country Sedan 8 B Passenger r ro 1958 Chevrolet Two-Ton Two Truck I Inch Wheelbase speed Five Transmission loH TW Two speed axle Tires O 0 1955 GlUC 2 J Ton Tan Pickup 1 t Speed Transmission O 0 1 1955 Chev z Ih Ton TOil Pickup 4 Speed Speed ya 0 pd Pipe for Sale All siz Sizes s 1 M M i i YOU WU C CANT CAN'T NT BEAT CLASSIFIED ADS FOR ATTENTION ATTI 1 CSETTER GETTERS U b T e V WAN A I fl Q Ji 3 SAVE SON ON MEA MEA- CaH CaU- CaU as tt for tor J locke meaL meat t. t your Tour We Ve do custom slaughtering slaught ering In a U it licensed med ed and Inspect inspected inspected- d' d dI plant lant V 1 l Meat ack I ee c. c e. c.-e. PhOnh r mai 72 or 23 2346 t. t i FOR SALE SALE Witty Willys Jeep Jt good electric range rhone Phone 23 FOR SAC SALE shire Sheep h p. p Call all Coalville 41 4 I 23 MONTH MONTH-L MONTHLY S SPARE ARE TIME I Refilling and collecting money money from New Type high quality q coin cola operated dispensers In this thIs' areaNo area area No selling To qualify you must have car references 1600 to 1900 cash Seven to twelve twelve hours bour weekly weekly weekly week week- ly can net up to tb monthly More Moro ru full I time For per personal Interview Interview In In- write PO P.O. O Box Dox 1056 I Boise Dolse Idaho Include de phone num num- her tet 24 lp HELP WANTED WANTED Salesmen Salesmen or orI I Agents Agent GO per hour or r more t f w gf 9 m g. g ji largo Large repeat repeal orders orders M Man Mall o oman 01 dS man mAD Write M liESS CO Box nox 4 it i aUt 2 24 2 FOR FOn SALE Spring SALt friers will be cleaned Jt requested l t Qu at d f George 2 tf l t tt Coalville 24 roll FOR SALE Thoroughbred SALE mare re 1 7 years years l old ld with c coif coll lt at side side Ide See to appreciate Lynn Soren Soren- son ou phone Oakl Oakley 1 Utah r 24 2 I DR II t MURRAY CARVER r OPTOMETRIST Ibi l or 01 I hatter r vision have I. I your loin l' l ey eis IS 1 I ii nw n COALVILLE FRIDAYS YS PHONE 2 1 it J tir Contact Lenses Killed lifted t 2 2170 J O Blvd Og Ogden 11 11 I iX J 83 2 t c BIG TREES I T i. i 1 g i A v Q r t s A Ac c w 1 f The trees around this this South Summit home will probably help you identify it easily That and the fact that it seems seems to be off th the pavement Wherever Wherever it itis it-is is and whoever lives there you can bet that it didn't just grow up out of the ground as the trees did Som Someone one planned for it A lot of careful preparation and long distance maneuvering long maneuvering went into this house before Defore it be became ne' ne honie H e- e And not the least important part of the planning p was the financing How can we afford it is the paramount ques- ques question ques ques- tion And the answer is always the same j i r Well W e 11 save up for it f Saving money is actually fun happiness a joy All you have to do is start The happiness is in watching your sav savings savings ng account grow through your steady and methodical deposits And its it's easier too with our z L. L l rl t rt t i 7 1 1 INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC ACCOUNTS I Kamas State Bank Kamas Karnas Utah 4 |