Show I Coffee Shop Fire Damage Repaired Workmen have been busy this I week trying to get Deans Dean's Coffee Shop open for Sunday following a fire fIre- which badly damaged the Ute popular Coalville cafe at 3 o'clock Th Thursday morning June 2 2 rh The Ibe fIr fire came at nt a i. i very bad hAtS Ur time fo for ls b business i J Just t before io e the the I opening of the fishing season son and with tourist trade o Just juit beginning The Tho motor tor on the cooler in n n the kitchen burned out Rn and the fire tire started there The kitchen was destroyed 1 an and 1 the cafe proper was damaged by Amott smoke The kitchen had just been enlarged en en- urged and modernized but new equipment had not ye been move moved mowed mow mow- e ed 1 In Bill DID owns th thI the building and nd Beth Calderwood M 14 I manager |