Show f 1 t i LS FROM oM E 7 t rl Lq ft fI flays rs Ia last w tH t ton n d at fife 3 1 famine fam tam n it i ine 1 Mrs Mm Arl tJ Andert Ander- Ander t I aC 8 t i t Mr and nd Mr Mrs Jay I i an art family of 1 l Paso PaBO Texas are here with her Mr parent parene Ir I 1 r v a 1 a l Mrs A A. P. P Marchant Merchant I i M Marchant Reunion J. J f rh John Alma March mi tarn fern I I wilt D 10 be held June 25 23 y n V t. t atthe af the ic Peoa Recreation Hall If It you roU nu are an are one of his descendants plan to attend Time ITo i iTo To Hawaii a Mrs Bernice Lewis of Heber Mrs Virginia Fitzgerald of a tt Lake City left ler May 29 20 by t f k P and ol itu MI rat a trip to Hawaii At fu they will Join lster r Miss Gloria Maxwell who has been attending the church f college there Their children are arc staying slayIng hero their grandparents entA Mr and Mrs J J. J P P. P Maxwell Mr and Mrs frs Lawrence Smyth of Boise Idaho and their daughter daugh daugh- ter Marilyn and her small son week at the home homo of Mrs IJan Jane A A. A Walker inputs Da and Ina ma Crandall and ther their daughters rs will leavo Georgia Juno June 15 They will be bl stationed at Camp Carson Colo Home from Mutton Mission I j Mrs Edith Barnum Darnum was in n Pro Pro- i vo Sunday to attend the welcome home bom of her grandson Max Mo Mor Mor- Mort t tenson who has just returned from an m Australian mission Mr Mr n and d Mrs errs Stanley Welsh and 1 family are v visiting Mrs Amanda I Welsh They have Just returned from froth a three years stay In Iowa I where Stan attended school and also taught nj at at the University lie Ire I II I 1 lie be teaching t hi i. i In Colorado at fp t University Summer School t this fall he will wUI begin teach teach- i nit at BYU I ff F 1 Cl Club b Meets i v t JM i II Elaine was Crandall host host- the Socialite Club Thursday ev evening Gathered to visit and sew were Helen Anderson Shir- Shir J lene Iene ne Milliner h Ila 1111 a Neoma Neoma Ne- Ne oma Isakson Roma Ramo Walsh Walsh- Nita D Don o n xi ii ha a a. Merchant Marchant Treesa Walker and invited guests LaYern Lavern Crandall and Chloe Jen Jen- son son Eon The next meeting will be beJune be June tie 16 with wilh Neoma Isaks Isakson n. n 1 I Relief Society work meeting I p iJ wl wilt will be held June 14 at 1 pm p.m. Mrs Lewis Lowis Neel has hal gone to i j. j Idaho to Visit with rela- rela I l- l tt lives for a a. couple of weeks It ff Mrs Jessie Stevens was in Salt j r Lake City for tor two days last week j visiting her d daughter r Ruth She She I h also Visited her daughter on Bountiful no J 1 a 0 VI Visas VIlta IU In Germany many Two former Peoa residents are visiting in Germany Mrs Ann Marchant Merchant was the first to leave I She will visit her mother nother whom I she she h has not seen s en for abo about t 3 30 years rears I Her Iler er son George is an on a mission in Germany so she will probably see him also Her daug l rh I ter ter- Janet Janet plans to Join her in Germany when school vacation i j starts smarts its L Later ter Janet will win Join o a or r ii BYU tour of Europe Who It Is the tho Thief 1 f t Thieves are arl at n. OUs is area area 1 Sa Richard rd Walker parked j I his pOnt bloat in front of the Ute home beme of his father Glenn Walker and on onI I i Sunday morning the boot boat motors end and controls were gone Mr and Mrs Herbert A. A Lyons their daugh daughter daught r Leona and her heri i grandson visited here Sunday with Mr and Mrs R. R L. L Jenson Mr and Mrs R n L Crandall and Mrs r II Eva va Laughlin Eleanor and Don Neel drove from irom Tremonton Friday night to 0 look after things at their home i h here re They planned to stay all week end but Don was called back iJ j t to work Saturday night First In Twenty Years Yea v t On Cn May 28 a family dinner was heW bed a at the home of LaVern and anet t J. J All o of or LaVerns LaVern's brothers and Md sisters except Emery Shea i were ere present This was the to first time since 1930 that this many of h i. i In tb the r family had hd been together j Present were Mr and Mrs Lynn if UJ Salt Sah Lake ke City Mr dr and andI I I die Un MUton Milton Miles fUes Park Itar City Mr avid ana Mrs Mra Ire Ira Miles Mlles Romas is Mr and anet Mrs Hn Reuben ben Jenson Peoa and Mr Jr and Mrs Irs Amos Miles Miles of San Bon Diego Calif On Friday Priday ev eve evening ning aing most mast In of the family had gone goneI I I. I to Park City Cay to attend the endI grad end I of t Ralph Mlles Miles He Ue is Milli Milliand M Mand and Orals Oral son wn Now the family I I J ha has rt receded t ed word Vord 4 that at Ralph is lS very su aV at the Hospital in iA Salt dt Mrs oba Edith Barnum mum has gone io Mantua to visit her son IUn Henry and his family tampy In their new home I Mr Nr 1 nd V Vear par ar Crandall were wee in RoSe i velt elt Saturday to at attend at at- tend lend the we wedding of Johnny El- El He lie is m the grandson of Mars Veart sister Mary I ldridge Among the graduates of Brigg Brig Brig- iB fp g last week W W p two Pena Peoa Pe a boys boB b ya Jerry Marchant son sonaI I of ot r sad and Mrs t Clyde Merchant Marchant I received a eo Bachelor of Science degree de de- pr gree In tn Agronomy He lie graduated from South S Summit High In 1055 1935 Receives Receive 0 D 8 S Degree Fred Marchant son lion of ot Mr and Mrs A A. A F F. Marchant 1 received t B a I i Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Education in Secondary secondary sec sec- Ins ruction Fr d Is marled to lone Stem Stein bridge and ud they are the parents of lour blur i r lie Ile l lia b. n graduate of Summit High S School hool and completed an Lt 3 S mission to lie ue Western States Ho Ito wI be he In Weber County next fall I 4 H 4 H Club The Tha 3 first 4 H 4 I club meeting of the Ie season on for a 1 group of gins airs was was held May 20 26 n at the home homeI of Mrs Cumor Cumorah h Brinton They I chose the name Mont Horn for their group Officers elected were Sheila Marchant president Judy Wll Wil items IIams vice president Marilyn Matilyn Andersen secretary Ellen Marchant Marchant Mar Mar- chant chorister Hannah Field importer Lorraine Crandall entertainment entertainment en en- chairman The group will meet on Wednesday Wed- Wed at t pm p.m. n Hannah Field Reporter |