Show i i i Six Graduate I South Summit residents who received their degrees at nt Brigham Brigham Brig Brig- ham llam Young University I evening included Glen Richard Lambert Glenna Gay Lewis and James Elgin Eight Louder of Kamas Kenneth D D. D Andrus of O Oakley kley Gerald L. L Marchant and anti Fred Thomas Marchant of ot Peoa Peon Carl Dearden son eon of Mr and I Mrs Ray Dearden Alvin Dear Dear- Dearden Bearden f den den eon son of ot Mr Mr and Airs LaVern Dearden both of Henefer and andI I Miss Mss Ann Marie White daughter of of Mr and Mrs R R. R G Q Swanson of at Echo were members of ot the I graduating class of Weber College Col Cot lege Thursday evening 1 |