Show t I WOODLAND W ODLAND 1 t tI ht vats Mfg Alma Carlt Carlile e attended at- at tended the graduation gradt exercises exercises' 1 it tt t of Utah of their son Robert nobert who received received hl his 11 B n. S S. S degree with wW II a a major in Land Use e Congratulations lions to you tau Robert no ett 1 Ai- Ai Carlli I stated IAl that fa b i the last Of bt th their lr fib Children to 10 receive a a degree Louts LouIs Carma tj ten A etalo engineer living in Salem Oregon ireton Maurine C 0 C. C Is e at present present pre pre- present sent teaching in Coalville he he has hall taught school twenty four years eare Aleen C 0 Case teaching at Allamont Altamont Alta AHu- mont has haa taught years jears John Jolln Carille teaching at preset pre pro set at Wasatch High has haB had eleven years pars experience I 1 Robert tobert Car CarMlo Carilo Clara Clata of ID CO is employed by toy Salt Lake LalLa City G O. O Heed Reed Marchant principal at attS tS Summit High School has taught tau t all these people a and 1111 has been instrumental In encouraging each to get a college education I Mrs Jeanette McAffee lc alb Le of or Mrs Francel lines Ulnes of Woodland graduated with her class of 1164 from the Ul Utah h State Stale University Logan with a 1 II U. U a S. S degree and a major in Elementary I education Saturday night Her lIer ter I j mother molher her sister Mona and andI I f law brother Dale Leavitt and Connie donnIe her grandmother Jennie Jennio Chamberlain of Cedar Valley her sister June and law brother Don Jones and oM family of Mooreland Mooreland Moore Moore- land Idaho all were there to 10 congratulate congratulate con con- her Jeanette graduated iu in three years has taken care of her children Kevin and Pamela I and has been buying a home home Everyone Ev Er I is so proud of or her wonder wonder- wonderful I ful tul accomplishments She should be bl commented Congratulations lons J Orchids to you Jeanette Dee Doe and Maurine Winterton left I Monday for a belated honeymoon 1 trip to Los Angeles and places of of interest before summer school starts at the U. U of ot U U. U I 1 Mr Mr and Mrs Deloy Winterton j Seth Lynn Dee and Maurine j I 1 and Mrs The Theil 11 Atkinson and and children attended Fast ast meeting in the Heber Fir t Ward War Sunday j I where Malls and Stella Stell W W. Lewis I I had had their baby boy christened ned Craig Allen Lewis They had a family dinner at the Turner Cafe Cafe I after church I Mr and Mrs Elsworth worth GInes Olnes attended the christening of ot their I grandchild Kent KeRt T. T 1 Gines Glues son eon of Mr Mr and Mrs Gary Gines in n the Midway Second Ward church Sunday Sun Sun Sun- day Mrs Chloe Chloo P Potts U spent a day c k lh S os t 4 I Jd rf Clark And Md Celia Colla OI Of of M l lonn hl pen a t d 06 a t f fa t t week Wh h t t I tra Ellsworth Gines LOrin Latin Bishop has had moved oo back arid and U le working on the church farm MA And Rod Mla Mra n J. J v to k Ui their lr sons eons Robby flabby and Jeff to the zoo in S Salt lt Lake one onera r. r ra bay te recently The V odland Ward Primary and t teachers gave ah nh opening party for the children May allay 31 Their summer j 11 will be held on In Mondays f. af at 10 o'clock j i Pit and Lee Potts Percy and Lu Potts Potts' of Utah Ulah were recent visitors at Mr lr and Sire irs Mrs Frank Potts Mr Potts Polls is feeling fine this summer and la is labus bus busy making rugs for lor friends frIends' and relatives He lIe is Iii 84 years old t The Woodland Ward had a clean up day Saturday Everyone E turned turnell out to 10 help Merl and Norval Anderson and family of Provo visited at at the I i Leloy eloy Sunday evening Crowded Out Last Week I Mr Ir and Mrs Kenneth Cooley and family of Midvale visited I Memorial Day with the Herman Cooleys I David Williams was vas guest lt of honor at a birthday and graduation graduation I tion Uon dinner given by his parents Mr tr and Mrs Kenneth Williams May 26 Guests were the members mem memo bore bers of ot his family and gra grandparents eats Mr and Mrs Mra A. A G. G Soren Soren- I son Boa and Mr and Mrs IC K H H. H Williams Wil llama liams all of Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs A A. A R R. R and daughter Pauline I left Wednesday for lor a visit with Mr I-Mr Mr Mr and Mrs Owen Dugdale at Mojave California 1 I Mr and Mrs Rex Gines h had bad badI hadI I two new grandchildren recently A Aboy boy was vas born to David and Marr Mar- Mar r Helee Heise of Magna May Mar 18 and anda ja la a girl arrived for Karre and Bernice Bernice Ber- Ber nice nice Bye Dye of Murray May 24 Mrs Gines of Kamas Kama is the tho great grandmother The Woodland Ward Sacra Sacrament ent I I meeting May 29 was presented i iby I Iby by the Herman Cooley family I Councilor Carltie Knight took charge Prayer by LaiMont LaMont Walker Walk Walk- er Gaylen Atkinson gave a scrIpture scripture scripture scrip scrIp- ture reading which Introduced the program Pearl Cooley gave a talk on Pre Vocal solo L Lee e Ann Marie Marle Atkinson talk talle Rozella Atkinson on Mortality song Atkinson talk Ierma Berman Cooley The Three Degrees De De- Degrees gr grees es of Glory a accordion solo Dennis Atkinson benediction Eve Evetett Moon J |