Show American Teachers Introduce Introducer Hot Dogs to Japanese Students I from troll a letter written by Beatrice Rich ruch daughter of ol Mrs Mr Dora Rich who is In Japan Urchins teaching third grade em en an American Air Base nAse rends reads n M as follows fono Dear Der M Mother ther My room mate Laura teaches a n Bible Dible W a group croup of ot seven Japanese High School students In Laura naked asked them If It they would like to visit her first grade school room and Sf if they knew about American hot dogs and nod marshmallows marshmallow They had heard about them but had bad never eaten cawn any At Ather Ather Ather her last Bible class claM she was told twelve people would come to her lier school So we rushed out and bought n double supply of food Liked Math Best But Laura met them at aL the gate of the base at noon and they didn't mind going to lo her grade room Anywhere English Is spoken Is good enough for them Laura demonstrated all her subjects to them and they were more Interested In number numbers Laura purchased a small barbecue and I was elected to roast the wieners I saw aw the tho students for tor the first time when to the barbecue from school We put all the trimmings for tor forthe forthe the hot dogs out buffet style etyle When we asked them to come and get It U they sat there very reluctant Laura went carefully carefully care care- fully through every step of fixIng fixing fix fix- Ing a hot dog and explained about catsup mustard relish potato chips olives and coke Still they sat Well we Americans should have known what was wrong We have been in tn Japan long enough to know that the Japanese Japan Japan- ese always serve a small wet towel prior to eat eat- ing One of the girls was brave enough to ask if Jt she could wash her hands so all Immediately loll followed owed We have just two basins in our bath so some went to the tub tut and turned the faucet on there While he was washing his hands ho bo ho turned on more knobs that turned on n the shower and he got more than his hands washed i So the same trick was tried on n others Then they started on 01 1 I the food It H didn't lake take long one until we 8 had bad to have hare refills refill Lots Lot of Horseradish When Japanese are Ate asked It if the they want morp more food It Is proper and polite to say lay no Momentarily Moment Moment- we had again forgotten th this Japanese custom and were we would have food left OV over over- t. t However they liked the second hot dog better without mustard but the Japanese eat tnt a lot of 01 horse radish They seemed teemed to enjoy the food but didn't like mustard Coke Is not strange to the I I Japanese but some ome thought it was an American wine or even ask asked d dIt If It It was champagne Then we toasted lows and this they enjoyed too OU They also aiM liked our American Ice cream better beUer than theirs Personally I very much like the Japanese lee Ice cream About G 6 pm p.m. they left and another one of ot out our experiences had ended to become one more pleasant memory of our stay in Japan I hope you enjoy my letters half as much as I like to hear from you Sylvia received forty yes forty letters In one day This Is a record so far Anyone Anyone Anyone Any Any- one want to try and break it All AU hi my love tOV from across the i l' l t. t li ne lit M ei De Dependent School Box nox 3rd Air Base Dase Group Croup APO San n Francisco C California |