Show N. N tf Two Arc C Called ed edI To Ta lissi Mission I rt Fild Two mote more young Ou tiM tet men have b been ett t tailed td to go BO Into the I Mission Field l to f represent the Church of t Jesus Josti Christ of 01 Latter- Latter I day clay Saints SaInt They are arc Gale Norr Norr's Norr's Nor Nor- r rs r's Jones son of ot Mr and Mrs Richard Janes Jones called to 10 the Cai- Cai Mission and Scott son of ot Ray nay called to the Central Atlantic Slates Siales Both Doth young youn men will wll enter the ml son home on June 27 37 and depart for lor their separate missions on July 4 4 Ilea Heefer Ward already has seven seven sev soy en missionaries in the field In In In- eluding Blaine Dearden In the Mexican Mission Vern and Verl VerI Wright N New W England States Mission Grant Central Atlantic States Robert Great Great- Lakes Mission Dennis Jones North Central States and andI andRoy andRoy Roy noy Moore Western Canadian I |