Show HENEFER HAPPENINGS Mr and Mrs Earl Wilson formerly of ot Idaho are making their home in Morgan Mrs Mra Wilson Wilson Wil Wil- son Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Alva Deard Dearden Deard n. n David son of Mr and Mrs Jewel of Henefer left Sunday May 29 for Ft Ord for his basic training as a member member member mem mem- ber of the e Army R Reserve serve I I I I Gale Cale Stephens son of Mr and Ordell Orden Stephens of Henefer will win I leave this week for Ft Ord also and begins his 1312 training under the s six x months reserve plan Dennis son of Mr and Mrs Jewel recently was transferred to Ft Lewis Wash from Ft Ord lib His parents parents parents par par- report that he has been visiting often otten with Mr and Mrs Don Anderton former Henefer and residents in Seattle Seattle Se Se- attle attie Wash Four babies es were blessed at Fast and Testimony meeting in Henefer Ward Sunday after- after neon The fhe son of Mr and Mrs Richard Fawcett was blessed by Parley Stephens and given the name of Kent Aaron Fawcett with his father assisting Don Sheldon was wag named by his father tather Sheldon with his grandfather Hillman Rich Rich- ins assisting Jana Kaye was the name given to the little daughter of ot Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kenneth Ken Ken- neth son Dawson with her he father r officiating assisted 1 by y Wendel Vendell Roldan Kevin Pear Pear- den was blessed ble ed by his father Val Vai Dearden assisted by his father Val Dea Dearden en assisted by his hla uncle Kenneth Dearden Darden The Tho members member of the bishopric bW also assisted with each ordinance Kyle Kyi Stephens who was waa baptises baptised Saturday Sat eveni evening t o by Michael Robinson was confirmed a member member mem mem- ber of ot the Chunh by his father Bishop Edison Stephens Stephen Mr and Mrs Mn R n H U Best Rest and anti children Rochelle and Alan of Sacramento O are ant spending a two week wet vacation with b her hr f parent parentis Mr Mr- aad and Mrs Un Lyle Lyla Welt Rich Ins Sunday diMe at ai t the home borne al included Mr Mr- sad and gd Mrs Morris Morro Je 1 atA n and Jan of MurI Murray Murray Mur Mur- ray and Call Cau of Ogden Olden Miss Mis Marl Marilyn of t Ct Clearfield ld thA ho hosts U Arid Ud Ui their fr son Van rs o ot of othe U the he c James Jame Taylor ot 1 avid and 1 Brewer Dt families Aue serviced s lc In mait mai t n Wednesday for tor Ted 4 hu husband band of the l former Ivy Brewer Brew Drew er pd d of ot California visited visited visited visit visit- ed in n Henefer Heberer with Mr MI and Mrs James Taylor and also attended attend attended ed the funeral of Mr Carlisle ALjo ALyo f Saturday at the Taylor home wet Mrs Ray Itay Hall and Mrs Mra men Olen Gl n Hill of 01 Og- Og den Mr and Mrs Blaine Moore and family left leU early Monday morning for California to de deliver deliver de de' liver a horse which he sold rec rec- They plan to visit many points of Interest while there Visiting the home of Mr and Mrs Gerald Girald Ackerson over oYer night Tuesday were his sister and husband husband hus hus- band Mr and Mrs Edmund Erickson of Wolcott Colo i I Visitors at the home hom of Mr and Mrs Sheldon Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day were Mrs Charlotte Chapin Mrs Mae Butters Butters' and Carol CarolMae Mae dae Ia and Bryan Dryan of Morgan and Mrs Louise Feaman Ferman of ot and I All AU attended the blessing naming of ot the baby Dan Sheldon Sheldon Shel don son of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mra Howard Jones and sons and her parents Mr and Mrs Frank NeUsen of FarmIngton FarmIngton Farmington Farm- Farm Ington returned Sunday following following follow follow- ing an interesting and beautiful tour of Bryce Zions and Grana Grano Canyons They also visited Las Vegas and Boulder Dam Visiting recently with Mr and Mrs Curtis for the first t in a number of years were Mr and Mrs Mra Farman Kimball and Mr and Mrs Joel Burdette of Salt Lake City Mra Mrs Fawn Pratt of ot California Mrs V orn Carruth and son John of Evanston Evanston Evan- Evan ston slon Wyo and Mrs Marguerite Butler and her husband of Payson Payson Payson Pay- Pay son Mr and Mrs Mra Glen Gibson and daughter of ot El EI Cerrito Calif renewed renewed re renewed re- re acquaintance with former friends and relatives relatives' in Henefer last ast week while visiting in Utah |