Show if 1 r rONE ONE WAY TO UNDERSTAND This year of 1960 Is an Import Important nt milestone In many Utah communities It marks the one hundredth one anniversary M say sary Y of first settlement Morgan will observe Its Ce Centennial tennial with fitting ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies cere cere- monies on July 22 and 24 The Kamas Kansas Valley Daughters Daugh tors of Utah Pioneers are planning commemoration about the same date Peoa will celebrate in tn late August There There were white people around In these parts a few ye years rs before that But history shows that the towns themselves them selves were settled in 1860 In Morgan County for instance in in- stance tJ there ere were several families In RIchvIlle or Monday Town neighborhood But the first family to settle in what Is now Morgan built their home in 1860 I This family did not stay long High water from East Canyon Creek drove then them out But the settlement was established just the same It Is almost impo impossible ble for us to transport ourselves m mentally to life as it was lived in those days years ago We are too busy fretting out Mileage on the new car need for a new picture tube which astringent to use where to build the fall fall- put out tt shelter which plane to take to Denver the wheat quota merits of t the e strapless brassiere J o Now transport yourself if you can please try to a alog alog log shanty with a dirt floor You are wearing made home clothing and you are frying venison over an open fire with bear grease You have seen no one but your family for three months and the man of the house has been gone for 10 days after a sack of flour Now read that second preceding paragraph again There is not a word of sense in it Not a word Who ever talks about such things is a raving idiot Perhaps this is the only way we can appreciate what the pioneers of a century ago have accomplished for us us Only thus can we realize the Importance of their coming to trans transform orm the wilderness into the paradise which it has become I |