Show Calves Fed for Spring Market Most Profitable There Is less risk and greater profit In feeding calves for tor the late spring or early summer market than in feeding feedIng feeding feed feed- ing any other class of live stock according according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to Dr O. O W. W McCampbell of ot the Kansas State Agricultural college In feeding calves iS for the market Doctor McCampbell points out It Is la Important to remember that a caI calf should be prime to sell at a profit No I other class of ot cattle is discriminated against so severely as the half fed calfA calfA calfA calf A heavy l i ed of grain Is necessary to put the calf In condition to sell seU at advantage We find that It requires approximately ISO days as a minimum feeding period and about 40 bushels of ot otc c corn rn to put the calf In best market condition |