Show the me season being Doing DOlO LUU Juu Girl 16 With With Rescues Six From Fire Suffield Conn Nary Mary Mary Smith sixteen years jears old old was left In charge of ot her six younger brothers and sisters one night and when she awoke early Inthe in inthe inthe the morning horning and found that their home was on fire flie she set about saving them She soon found that they could not get down the stairs so she a wakened awakened her family and sent them Into her room There she toot the sheets from the the- beds belts knotted them together and maden madea made n a rope She lowered one end from the story second story window and tied the tho other other othor oth oth- er or to a bedpost Then she sent seat each child in turn the youngest oung st first out of f the window ow and down the rope to safety And when they had all aU reached I I the he ground she herself sl slid l out of at t the lw window u f n d own n rid da d 1 8 l tolt HI H house was on tire all aU over by this tills time un und and th the Ore fire department could not I save sn we It I |