Show Hardest Known Wood num the vital vital woods wood wood or wood of at life Ufe which Is 15 found In tho the West Indies and some other parts atthe of at said be the I the tropical Americas Is to hardest wood nature produces The reason why this wood Is so tough la is In lu Inthe inthe I the arrangement of Its fibers Instead of at being straight they weave back and trad forth crossing and like the time weave of an automobile tire Another peculiar feature In this wood Is that when the tree Is cut the sap cells fillup fill fillup fillup up with a very heavy rosin which causes It to weigh about eighty pounds to th the cubic foot It Is third one-third heavIer heavier hear hear- ier than water and so while excellent for many uses It would not make a good raft It Is used for tor carpenter carpenters mallets as ns it Is so tough that it will not split from fron hard hord usage and it la Is also ulso employed for tool handles |