Show GIVES LIFE TOY TO Y STOP ELEV ELEVATOR ATOll TO SAVE CHILD Apartment House Houlle q Employee Popular With Children Dies a Hero New Nev York A A popular janItor Janitor was George Hall twenty-six twenty with the children In In the big apartment build build- buildIng ing at We West Vest t One Hundred and d street Il Hall lI was a n negro and those to t whom shorn he cuter entered catered were wre white The tenants felt Celt Just as ns happy to know that the strapping big Janitor was looking after uter their children as us he was happy to be with them When t tenants tenants ten ten- n ants went wen out shopping they knew they always could rely on George One da day recently the telephone operator op- op took the day off otT Georges George's duties therefore Included d W got t only I m r. r IT elern u th e re reh fi llio tiro J door car r but f Also fo o tb the tele tete- l phone hone It was a It bus busy du dayt day t 1 I Soon goon after ten o'clock In the mornIng morn morn- sing Ing Ing several children be began un romping Jn jn In the main corridor They pleaded with George to join them They were tag tug with him when the switch switch- switch board H bomi oard Indicated that the Janitor must mustio do un some work orl He tie started to 9 aver the tel nel Chip Child Takes akes Elevator J 1 At first he he did ld not notice year nine old old nid MarIe Marle Magnus who lives In apart me meat t No 42 steal Into the elevator As she afterward explained she planned a It big surprise for Georgef George f She She would take an un elevator ride rIpe upa upi up up- t a i ii iI i I I I i ii i i I i I I jy II I I I I l q t The Car Slowly Continued Its As cension s stairs and telephone one him from her home The JanItor started to adjust connections on the switchboard when he noticed the elevator movIng slowly slowly slow slow- 1 ly upward Tile The IH IO pave gave a shout of horror and warning The elevator continual d to ascend slowly It Is a small smail ele a tor lor and Hall evidently c figured he could reach It In time He lIe ran toward It and e gave a n lunge lune He caught a u baron bar baron baron on the bottom of the car To this he clung us the car slowly continued Its aacen ascension ou At the fourth floor Hall evidently noticed that the door to the elevator shaft was open as well as the door of the elevator ele Itself He decided on ona ona ona a plan which would call for all nIl his agility and strength As the elevator neared the opening he swung himself himself him him- self around with the Idea of heaving himself upward Into the car before It reached the top of the doorway Killed by lila His Fall He slipped and undo with a cry fell t to the bottom of the shaft His skull u HS fractured and he died before an un ambulance arrived The body was wa a taken to the morgue It was learned 1 he lived at No West One Hun Hundred dred tired and Thirty fourth street Tt Tenants In the building were shocked hocked to tn learn of ot Georges George's death They Immediately took up a subscription tion for funds to be b presented to hl bis family When Then little Marie stepped out of o othe the elevator car as it stopped at th the fifth floor she ran down to her apartment apartment apart apart- ment meat on the fourth floor and phon phoned e eto d to give George the surprise of hl his life lite but there thre was wras no ao George to an saver ver her call |