Show I Raising ising Sugar Beets Profitable in 1925 I IJ J I I Although many of our farmers are raising alfalfa seed exclusively others still stUl find it profitable to raise some sugar beets Below are listed ILsted the names cf ct farmers from all parts of this valley who obtained exceptionally high avI average average av av- av- av yields the past year Name r No pt Tons por A. A John Greathouse Lynndyl 26 Lamond Bunker Dunker Steele 6 G Bru Bruce e Stephenson McCornick i 6 20 2 2 Helen Terry Delta 1 I I J J. J C. C Fillmore 24 18 04 I Wm Vm E. E Bunker and P. P M. M Shirts Delta Delta j 9 1852 HG r Jos D. D Cox Steele 3 34 4 18 14 K Wm M M. Fowles Abbott 12 1858 I T T T. Mills 1 18 1769 Wm Gledhill McCormick McCornick 71 74 1820 A. A M. M Harde Harder Leamington 4 t 1800 These exceptionally high yields wore were obtained largely by selecting land which was thoroughly fertilized ed cd either by applying barnyard manure or by breaking up alfalfa land and demonstrates the possibIlItIes possibilities possibilities of the success which may Y be obtained by proper selection of at the theland theland theland land which is to be planted to beets and proper care during the growing season I Many farmers raised crops rang ranging rang rang-I ing from 12 to 18 tons per hero aero In nil all parts parta of tho the Delta terr territory t ry during the tho past year and the average yield I for all beets hai harvested vested was 10 tons per acre I Prices paid for beets delivered to the Delta factory ry during the past pasti five i V 1 years Rr are re ras as follows 1920 12 21 1921 1021 1022 1923 1924 During the years 1920 and 1921 abnormal prices for tor sugar sagar prevailed due to war conditions and the slump in prices which followed the tho war The last three years may toay be considered considered consid consid- I ered normal and show that the Delta farmers received during that time an average of per ton The above data readily shows the amount of wealth which tho the sugar industry distributes distributes distributes dis dis- tributes to the farmers of the tho Pah- Pah vant Valley and compare favorably ith any crop which can be grown Consideration should be given to the tho of th the beet top pasturage which is excellent for fattening cattle cattle cattle cat cat- tle or sheep and also the beet pulp and syrup which ch can be obtained during tho the years that sufficient beets are aie grown to permit the local factory factory fac fae- t tory ry to operate operate |