Show Lull G Guard ard V ith Ban Banjos as Four Break Breah Jail Jal lf Aid Four d. Four men then while QUO oats of ot them was US pla playing Industriously opa on op ona a bun banjo bunJo Jo lulling the sheriff to deeper SI t escaped from rota the Worcester county Jail jU her hero One of ot them was waa recaptured Inter later at ut Crisfield ld The he other oth er three are still at ut large nr e James Baker Daker one of or them was held lucid lucidon on un a It murder charge accused of at havIng hav hay Ing lag killed fumes lames Carri at lUe lust last July Benny Cenny another of or orthe the escaped prisoners was held on a Q charge of nr auto theft The other two were m negroes rocs Patella is the man who was arrested at ut Crisfield ills His right foot hud had been broken and he was taken talen to hospital for treatment r orIs Scott one une of the colored prisoners who es es- coped c Jed was as reported to have hu been seen in Crisfield |