Show HAS NARROW I 1 ESCAPE IN AUTO WRECK 1 While returning from Salt L Lake eke City last Sunday C. C J J. J Hawley of ot Oasis and P P. P T. T Black of Delta met with an accident which might have been more serious When near Draper Draper Draper Dra Dra- per on the state road they met a acar acar car driven by Chris Grayson of ot American Fork and having as passengers passengers passengers pas pas- Mrs Grayson and several small children Because of at the slippery slippery slip slip- pery condition of the road and traffic traffic traffie fic fie being very light Mr Hawley was driving near the center of ot the road and the driver of ot the Grayson car I I tried to pass on the wrong side As AJ the Bars dars cara approached each other Mr I- I Hawley pulled over to the right side of ot the road and the Grayson car crashed Into the side of Mr Hawleys Hawleys Haw leys ley's car Both cars were turned over and badly damaged Some Same of ot the tho children children child child- ren wise welle were cut out by flying glass but no noona noona noona ona was seriously Injured n 4 |