Show PRIZE SEED TO BE EXHIBITED Winner At At Displayed At Farm Bureau And Associations Salt Lake CIt City A A special tion which is expected to create co considerable considerable con con- interest will be he added to the annual convention of the Utah State Farm Bureau and Its affiliated cooperative cooperative coop coop- marketing associations which will be held at the Newhouse Hotel January 20 and 23 it is announced by M. M S. S Winder executive secretary This will be the displaying of the original Utah seed exhibit which won thirteen of ot the fifteen prizes offered in the alfalfa division at the International International Hay and Grain show held last December in Chicago Dr George Stewart of the Utah Agricultural college col lege and E B E. E Smith the two men mento mento mento to whom most of the credit for the excellent showing at Chicago belongs will have charge of ot the exhibit which I will be he shown at the Newhouse hotel |